[DEHAI] "a withdrawal from disputed border areas,"

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From: Queen Samrawit (acethebabe@hotmail.com)
Date: Wed Jun 09 2010 - 08:13:36 EDT

Selam Aklilu,


The most disturbing thing is there is not a single word from the Ministry of Information or the Foreign Ministry of Eritrea refuting the assertion that "Eritrean troops have withdrawn from an area they controlled in Djibouti..." . By not responding to this, in essence, Eritrea is admiting that there were indeed Eritrean troops in Jubitian territory. If that is the case, why did the GoE wait until it is too late? I mean, shouldn't this whole mess been sorted out long before UN Resolution 1907?

Simply amazing how the affair of the nation is being conducted!






Now it's a disputed area. There was none since recent months. This news channel is alleging Eritrea was controlling area belongs to Djibouti.
" Qatar said on Monday that Eritrean troops have withdrawn from an area they controlled in Djibouti..."
[dehai-news] (MiddleEastOnline) Qatar mediating Eritrea-Djibouti border dispute

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