[DEHAI] Hijab Or Lips?

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From: hbokure@aol.com
Date: Thu Jun 10 2010 - 09:30:44 EDT

A very respectable lady
Of mid eastern country
From her chin up
Covered with hijab
Like a curtain
 Hiding a beautiful face
Behind radiant eyes
 So expressionless
So motionless.
At the big store
She was walking
To find something
Again and again
But in vain.
Then she stopped
Started to talk to me
Behind her hijab
But I couldn't hear her
For I am a lip reader
As a hearing impaired.
So I said, "I couldn't see your lips
Would you please
If you care
Write for me
In a piece of paper?'
But she hesitated
With owe
For the reason
I didn't’ know
And she gone……
Haile Bokure

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