[DEHAI] Re: "a withdrawal from disputed border areas,"

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From: Sammy G. (sammyg411@hotmail.com)
Date: Fri Jun 11 2010 - 19:44:02 EDT

“Queen Samrawit” (Eritrea had never had queens, so you must be romanticizing fake Ethiopia with its history of fake queens),
You seem perturbed by MOI's lack of response to the Middle East Online’s erroneous report about “...Eritrean troops have withdrawn from an area they controlled in Djibouti..."?
Why can’t you respond to Middle East Online yourself? After all, the so-called Middle East Online is made up of clueless individuals with ulterior motives just like you? But you are probably too blinded with hate to understand or think straight.
Why would the Eritrean government respond to a “Middle East Online” when it never even responded to more legitimate propaganda outlets like the BBC & the VOA?
It’s not surprising that you popped up from your hibernation in time to try to score a cheap shot at the Eritrean government. You can’t stand it when Eritrea tries to get ahead of the game, do you? I remember, in your utter ignorance you once tried to decode a forward-looking Proclamation on Internet Café in 2004 with your alarmist “PFDJ is banning Internet Cafes” witch-hunt. And when I told you that PFDJ was in fact not banning Internet Cafes, you resorted to insults instead of apologizing for your knee-jerk reaction.

-Sammy G.
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