[DEHAI] Remembering Martyrs' Children

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From: hbokure@aol.com
Date: Sun Jun 20 2010 - 10:57:54 EDT

"Remembering Martyrs' Children"

Our martyrs....
Left behind their seeds
Yes, their lively children
Whom entrusted us
To take care of them.

Some never hugged
Or fondled enough
By their parents
In bed...
As they were breast fed
By surrogate mothers
Devoid of emotional security
Acquirable in one-to-one relationship
Through a strong emotional bond
A primordial for mutual trust
In taming life's partner.

When I visited Eritrea
The first time in twenty five years
I saw the smiling children
Of our martyrs
Before the shrill cry of a cock
At provincial town
Of Mendefera
Where they go
From house to house
To sell milk obtained
From the lean cows they tend
Just to meet
Their monetary need.

So please, please
Let us stop lip service
By abusing politics
For our children come first.

Source: Haile Bokure (1999). Eritrea is Born. Page 8-10

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