[DEHAI] State Department Lawyer Picked for Judgeship

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From: wolda002@umn.edu
Date: Wed Jun 23 2010 - 00:21:10 EDT

June 21, 2010
State Department Lawyer Picked for Judgeship

Joan Donoghue, the No. 2 lawyer in the U.S. State Department and former top
lawyer at mortgage giant Freddie Mac, has been nominated to be a judge on
the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Under the procedure for nominations to the court, Donoghue was chosen by a
four-lawyer committee that included her boss, State Department Legal
Adviser Harold Koh, and her former boss, Arnold & Porter partner John
Bellinger III, who served as legal adviser from 2005 to 2009. Donoghue
faces confirmation votes, expected in September, in the United Nations
Security Council and General Assembly.

She would be one of 15 members of the International Court of Justice, which
hears disputes between countries on a wide array of issues.

In a statement, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called Donoghue
“judicious, fair, an extraordinary international legal counsel, and an
excellent choice for the Court.”

Donoghue has been the State Department’s principal deputy legal adviser
since 2007, serving under Republican and Democratic administrations, and
she was acting legal adviser in early 2009 prior to Koh’s Senate
confirmation. She manages an office of 265 lawyers and support staff,
according to her department biography.

Donoghue worked at Freddie Mac from 2001 to 2005, including as general
counsel and corporate secretary. She was deputy general counsel at the
Treasury Department from 1999 to 2000. Earlier in her career, she was an
associate at Covington & Burling and a career lawyer with the State

Judge Thomas Buergenthal, who joined the International Court of Justice in
2000, is leaving the court to rejoin the faculty at George Washington
University’s law school. The court may not include more than one member
from any one country.

Posted by David Ingram on June 21, 2010 at 12:11 PM in Other Courts, Travel
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