[DEHAI] [Eri-International Sports] ERSFNA Silver anniversary: A Time to reflect back.

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From: Eri-International Sports Comments (michael.seium@gmail.com)
Date: Fri Jul 02 2010 - 16:30:30 EDT


Happy 25th year to ERSFNA,
The Southeastern city of Atlanta will be the backdrop for the premier
sporting event of Eritreans as the ERSFNA begins its activities during
the July 4th weekend. In the sweltering heat of mid-July, a couple
thousand Eritrean athletes, fans and others will convene in the city
that started this gathering of Eritreans 25 years ago. For years this
event has been the heart & soul of summertime fun for Eritreans. It
served as place where sports, culture and friendship and love for
country came together. Before Eritrea’s independence it served as a
place where people came to promote the wishes and desires of the soon
to be independent Eritrea. For more on the history of the event just
visit the ERSFNA website. However I want to emphasize a few important
points that can serve as a reminder to our youth and those who will
continue the legacy of this organization. In 1985 a few Eritreans got
together to start a tournament of diaspora Eritreans in North America.
The main cities that Eritreans settled in were no more than 5 and they
all got together to start a tournament based on the game of soccer
otherwise known as Football. What started out small grew into big by
the time independence was achieved and close to 30 teams started to
participate at the time. Thank you to all those pioneers who initiated
an event that brings people together. Today the focus has been to trim
down the adult teams and concentrate on the youth. In Atlanta there
will be close to 26 youth teams and 18 adult teams based on the
information on ERSFNA.com My association with the ERSFNA began in 1993
when I started to play with Team Washington D.C and since then I have
been an avid fan supporter and volunteer serving on the board for 5
years. I strongly urge young people to get involved in running this
important gathering. If today’s youth would like to see another 25
years and beyond they must get involved and also help develop this
important organization. Elections are taking place this year and each
team must have strong representatives who have a desire to be leaders.
Hopefully some visionaries and pioneers will create an organization
that will take the organization to the next level. Meanwhile
participation of women should continue to be highly promoted.
Basketball and track and field are always an added plus but most of all
it is the unity, love and the spirit of competition that should bind us
all together. It is also to be noted that teams from Europe have joined
and will be joining the celebrations of the 25th year in Atlanta. May
the best teams win in Atlanta and a happy 25th years anniversary to
Mike Seium is a former Public Relations officer of ERSFNA. For more
just click on

Posted By Eri-International Sports Comments to Eri-International Sports
at 7/02/2010 01:30:00 PM

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