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From: Huruy Woldemicael (huruy@meseret.ca)
Date: Wed Jul 07 2010 - 01:00:26 EDT

Hey Dehai,


My name is Huruy Woldemicael and I am contacting you on behalf of Meseret
Eritrean Youth Development. We are a non-profit youth group that is located
in London, ON, Canada. Our objective is to promote the Eritrean culture and
help develop the Eritrean youth in London, ON and surrounding area.


We have recently expanded our operations into radio broadcasting and would
really appreciate it if you could help promote our radio show. This radio
show covers topics that relate to Eritrean youth all over the world. The
topics are usually challenges we Eritrean youth face such as: Why we aren't
marrying within the ethnicity, Why we have more Eritrean women entering
post-secondary than we do men, etc. Check out some of our video recordings
of our radio broadcasts please at www.meseret.ca/videos/ or
www.livestream.com/mesradio/. We also have a blog where we have had a lot of
youth discuss these topics, so please visit www.meseret.ca/blog/ as well. We
really want to reach out to Europe and the Middle East, so that is why we're
seeking your help. Please post these links:






Huruy Woldemicael

Meseret Eritrean Youth Development, Inc

 <mailto:huruy@meseret.ca> huruy@meseret.ca

 <http://www.meseret.ca/> http://www.meseret.ca/




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