[DEHAI] [Eri-International Sports] 25 years later ERSFNA in Atlanta.

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From: Eri-International Sports Comments (michael.seium@gmail.com)
Date: Wed Jul 14 2010 - 12:17:07 EDT

 When they gathered 25 years ago in the city of Atlanta, some of the
youth participating in this year's annual event were not even born.
However the founders of this event were planning for the future and the
future has arrived. Hopefully today’s youth and adults will do the same
for the future generation ahead just like what the founders did for us.
Meanwhile with one guest team (London) from Europe this year the
tournament began with a total of 18 teams participating in three
different facilities. The only thing hotter than the competition was
the sweltering heat of Georgia on a July afternoon. For the most part
the games were very competitive with the exception of a handful games
that had very high scoring numbers.
The 8 teams that made it to the quarterfinals were Team Baltimore,
Minnesota Red Sea, Atlanta Selam, San Francisco Dahlak, Seattle Adulis,
Washington D.C , Team London, and Team Dallas, making the second round
very exciting. In the end the four teams left were a very surprising
Minnesota Red Sea formerly known as Biddho, the host and home team
Atlanta and an awesome Baltimore team facing a solid San Francisco
squad. After a last minute goal, Team Baltimore advanced to the finals
for the first time ever in it’s history. Ironically the team was
created 18 years ago in 1992 when the tournament was hosted in Atlanta
for the second time. Meanwhile Team Atlanta playing some great soccer
was leading Minnesota 3-0 after about 55 minutes into the game when
Mother Nature forced the game to be stopped according to FIFA rules.
The game had to be replayed in its entirety the next morning at which
point Atlanta could not keep up with a solid physically fit Minnesota
team. Minnesota advanced to the finals for the first time in their
history as well.
In the final game a very strong Baltimore team overcame and defeated
the Red Sea of Minnesota by the score of 2-0 to claim the historic
edition of the 25th annual ERSFNA sports festival trophy. Munir Ahmed
who has played for Washington D.C & Virginia in the past claimed the
MVP as he clearly displayed some great talent in helping his team win
the championship. Meanwhile the venues for this year’s event were
excellent, locations were very easy to get from and to. The hotels were
excellent and there was a great turnout locally and from away places.
This year was truly a year to remember and the host committee as well
as the ERSFNA board should be commended for preparing a positive and
good tournament over all.
The Champions Team Baltimore:
As one of four coaches and administrator of TEAM Baltimore, it gives me
great pride to finally see this team win through sheer determination,
hard work and a long wait. It was as a result of team effort from
players, coaches and supporters that Baltimore was able to bring the
cup home. Coach Solomon Allora who has been a good friend along with
other team consultants have done an outstanding job in keeping the team
together and attending this event for a long time and also making it to
the quarterfinals so many times. The MVP player Munir Ahmed grew up
with the D.C, Baltimore, Alexandria, & Virginia teams all around him.
It is great to note that all 4 teams have now won the championships
Alexandria winning it five times, D.C three times, Virginia two times
and Baltimore for the first time, giving the Metro DC area teams eleven
of the twenty five championships that have taken place. Congratulations
goes out to team Baltimore. Please see a tribute picture video clip
link from you tube below.

Youth Soccer:
I would like to commend the ERSFNA board but most importantly Mr.
Berhane Ghebregziabher for his outstanding dedication to the youth
program, which was vigorously pushed for in Minnesota 2005 for turning
this event into a top priority as it grew to an incredible 26 teams
from throughout the country. The games were all exciting and the kids
were very happy in the end. The event brought many people together and
instilled in the young people that their culture, friendship with their
brothers and sisters, as well as spending one week of sports through
love and unity will forever be imbedded in their minds. Teams from
Washington DC, Atlanta, San Diego, Houston and the group with a very
high number of youth players Minnesota should all be proud of their
accomplishments whether they won or lost. Congratulations on a job well
done and hope to see this event grow bigger. I also would like to say
the girls under 15 game between Atlanta and Minnesota was historic,
hope other cities in the near future will establish girls & Women’s
ERSFNA Elections:
As promised last year the ERSFNA board members elected new appointees
and those who served for the past three years have now been replaced.
The election process was acceptable even though it could have been done
better. However what I must say is this year participation of teams was
almost 90% and I believe that was a crucial moment in making the
transition happen. It is important to keep hammering home that all
teams participating in the tournament have their administrative coaches
attend the meetings. In the end capable board members were selected for
every position. We wish them all good luck , I also want to emphasize
that the past board members did a good job in preparing this year's
event and leave us on a high note, we hope the new members will
challenge them to host another great event next year.
As the number of basketball players grow each year, this year’s event
was a big success. The facilities were very good and the results will
be posted on the ERSFNA website. I would like to congratulate Asmerom
from London for working hard to make sure this event was run properly
and smoothly.
Seniors Game:
In the senior's game otherwise known oldies but goldies Team Washington
D.C defeated the host team Atlanta by the score of 7-3 in what turned
out to be a fun game. This was a good game despite the final outcome.
Atlanta started to make a comeback but two late goals from Andehaimanot
Asiel put the game away for the DC team.
The entertainment was very good in Atlanta throughout the week. There
were many events prepared each night for fans and guests who came to be
with their people. However the last night gala or should I say Guyla
was held at the Atlanta Trade Center featuring Sami Berhane, Wodi Zagr
(Mulugeta Beyin) Teame Woldemichael and other Eritrean artists. It was
a successful event over all. I also would like to say that the Thursday
night event that was held at the Club Velvet was unique in a way I have
never seen before. As you walk into the club you see flat screens with
graphics showing the beautiful Eritrean colors, but what I found to be
unique was that the place was packed with people, older, younger,
mothers, brothers, sisters, fathers in a setting that one would never
imagine, a night club setting. But again that’s what makes us Eritreans
unique, when we are together united we are special. At the end of the
day any attempts to disrupt the Eritrean Unity never works and the
results this year clearly indicated that sports and culture are a big
part of our lives and so to those visionaries who started this event 25
years ago, I salute you.
Congratulations to all!
The writer of this blog is a former public Relations officer for ERSFNA
and part of the 2010 Eritrean Sports Festival men's Soccer champions
Team Baltimore.
Mike Seiumhttp://eri-internationalsports.blogspot.com/

Posted By Eri-International Sports Comments to Eri-International Sports
at 7/14/2010 09:17:00 AM

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