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From: SirakB (sirakb@bahlbi.com)
Date: Mon Jul 26 2010 - 17:37:22 EDT

The Eritrean Festival in Scandinavia kicks-off on Thursdays 29th of July and
is planned to finish on Sunday 1st of August 2010.

During the 4 Days of the Festival thousands of people are expected to visit
the Festival Ground (named qushet Hade Lebi) and there are plethora of
activities that guaranteed to satisfy the needs of large Eritrean
communities in Scandinavia and the hundreds of people expected to visit from
around Europe and beyond.

All the practical and programme information for the 4 days festival can be
found by visiting in www.festivaleritrea.se , some of the highlights of the
festival are as follows

1. A Special cultural music troupe flown all the way from Eritrea.
Soira Band consist of Aynome, Wedi Goret, Tedros Ururu, Yonas Mengistu,
Saada Omer

2. The talented young Eritrean American Singers the ERIAM Sisters who
are flying from America through Sawa. They will be performing the song they
sung in Sawa amongst others

3. A band made up of talented Eritrean Vocalists and musicians from
Europe, which consists of Osman Abdulrehim, Kahsay Berhe, Hasebela, Meshesh,
Gebrelul Afwerki

4. There will be a full Fun Fair ground which is sure to please the
Children and not to mention the talented Tekle the Clown

5. There will be a Public Seminar with Mr. Yemane Gebreab, the Head of
Political Affairs of PFDJ

6. There will be a large number of lectures, presentations,
conversations, debates, question & answer sessions, quizs, etc. please see
the website for the full list of presentations

7. There will be a full programme for Youth related activities

8. Two presentation of Women's Issues and related programme

9. There will be a reception of Diplomats and Invited guests

10. Photographic Exhibition of the struggle for independence which was
shown in Eritrea during the indpendece

11. A narration of Operation Fenkil by Girmatsion Yohannes (hatseynet) who
is flying to the festival to do the presentation, and was involved on
operation fenkil.

12. Interesting collection of Tigrigna language books that describes the
ancient civilisation of Eritreans

13. Many tents that represent the Eritrean communities across the

14. DJ Club night sessions for the under 18's and over 18s (this includes
sewra era music by talented DJ's)

15. TV-Eri journalists who are documenting the festival ....... And many

Please see the full program in the following website www.festivaleritrea.se


National Holidays Coordinating Committee






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