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From: YPWC (newsletter@ypwc.org)
Date: Thu Jul 29 2010 - 17:54:51 EDT

Statement on the President’s Forum with Young African Leaders
 ( http://www.cp-africa.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/ob.jpg )(THE WHITE HOUSE) – In 2010, seventeen countries across sub-Saharan Africa celebrate
fifty years of independence. In honor of this important historic moment; in acknowledgement of the extraordinarily young demographic profile of the
region; and as part of an effort to forge strong, forward-looking partnerships in the years ahead, President Obama will host a forum in Washington,
D.C., from August 3 – 5 with approximately 120 young leaders from civil society and the private sector representing more than forty countries in
sub-Saharan Africa. Together with American counterparts and U.S. government officials, the participants will share their insights on key themes of
youth empowerment, good governance, and economic opportunity. President Obama will host a town hall meeting at the White House with these young
leaders to discuss their vision for transforming their societies over the next fifty years.
The President’s Forum with Young African Leaders presents the U.S. government and American friends of Africa with an opportunity to deepen and
broaden our understanding of the trajectories of African societies, and to reflect on how the next generation are building their communities’ and
their nations’ futures – just as their predecessors did in the era of independence from colonial rule. In addition to the town hall meeting with
the President, the forum will include small-group discussions on topics such as transparency and accountability, job creation and entrepreneurship,
rights advocacy, and the use of technology to empower individuals and communities. African participants will have an opportunity to meet with
grassroots service organizations to share experiences and strategies. Read more... (
http://www.opportunitiesforyouth.org/2010/07/29/president-obama-to-meet-with-120-young-african-leaders-in-washington-d-c-august-3-%E2%80%93-5-2010/ )

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