[DEHAI] Remembering Betghiorgis

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From: hbokure@aol.com
Date: Mon Aug 02 2010 - 11:15:44 EDT

Once in this jungle
And a resort site
Where the young lovers
Spend their silent nights
While listening
To romantic melodies
Without disturbance
By the howl
Of passing dogs
Amid a dim light
Of the car
That one could see
From afar.
In wonder...
As the couples
Kissing and soothing each other
By saying: Non piangi bella
E'solo sta sera
Cinque minuti ancora!
From down to nightfall
Sitting and studying
Under the very tall tree
Whose thick leaves
Like a parasol
Overshadowed me.
The stingy ants
Under my lap
Waking me up
After a short nap.
It is hard to tell
The chameleon is around
Unless it opens
Its fearful mouth.
So is the grasshopper
Which you cannot see
In your naked eyes
Before it abruptly flies.
The colorful humming bird
Like a rainbow in the sky
Whose sharp beak
As long as a straw
Smacking and sacking
A sweet juice
From the buds
Of blooming flowers.
At the top
In a vigil
Full of shrill
The crow spies
Under watchful eyes.
But the dummy owl
Round as a bowl
With its piercing eyes
Neither stirs nor flies.
The gray pigeons in pair
Flying together
Before confining to their nest
While hatching their eggs.
The prudent and lonely parrot
Of color....
Green and red
Flies quickly
At the sudden sight
Of sly steps.
For all this...
This jungle, this bushy
Is still without king
Of course, the eagle
Which lives on meat.
But now I am sad
To see Betghiorgis
The cleared jungle
And quite plane
As Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Please let us restore it anew
By planting beautiful trees
So that our migrated birds
Could have a place to live
Once they are returned
To their homeland in peace.
Haile Bokure


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