[DEHAI] Eritrea’s bright future

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From: awetnayu@hotmail.com
Date: Thu Aug 12 2010 - 20:41:12 EDT

 Eritrea’s bright future
Amanuel Biedemariam
As people and a nation
At a time
Our unity is strengthened
Our resources…
Gloriously blossoming
Our values turning gold
Our love for the glorious nation on fire
Our sovereign value growing higher
If our enemies…
Ears that hear
Eyes that see
Heart that can valuate….
They ought…
To give-up on all their attempts
To make Eritrea kneel or bow
It is a waist of time
While developing…
Our cultures,
Advancing technologically
Developing capacities
In communications
Healthcare and education,
Is growing
Anchored on justice
Based on strength
Respecting and Respectfully
The lives of valued citizens
To all
Paying necessary sacrifices
Based on…
Strong history
Love of a nation
Trust of the other
For the future
While facing challenges head-on
Wishing happiness to…
Honoring those…
Loving their country
Praising those…
Who stand in defense of the nation!
Glory to our martyrs
Awet N Hafash
Based on a very brief speech Minister Semere Russom gave during the festival closing ceremony.

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