[DEHAI] How to avoid the "resource curse"?

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From: Semirnna Adhanom (semirnna@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue Aug 24 2010 - 19:49:52 EDT

    Source: http://www.naturalresourcecharter.org/   Precept 1 Read more... The development of natural resources should be designed to secure maximum benefit the for the citizens of the host country. Precept 2Read more... Extractive resources are public assets and decisions around their exploitation should be transparent and subject to informed public oversight. Precept 3 Read more... Competition is a critical mechanism to secure value and integrity. Precept 4 Read more... Fiscal terms must be robust to changing circumstances and ensure the country gets the full value from its resources. Precept 5Read more... National resource companies should be competitive and commercial operations. They should avoid conducting regulatory functions or other activities. Precept 6Read more... Resource projects may have serious environmental and social effects which must be accounted for and mitigated at all stages of the project cycle. Precept 7Read more... Resource revenues should be used primarily to promote sustained economic growth through enabling and maintaining high levels of domestic investment. Precept 8 Read more... Effective utilization of resource revenues requires that domestic expenditure be built up gradually smoothedto take account of revenue volatility. Precept 9 Read more... Government should use resource wealth as an opportunity to secure effective public expenditure and to increase theefficiency of public spending. Precept 10 Read more... Government policy shouldfacilitate private sector investments in response to new opportunities and structural changes associated with resource wealth. Precept 11 Read more... The home governments of extractive companies and international capital centers should require and enforce best practice. Precept 12 Read more... All extraction companies should follow best practice in contracting, operations and payments.

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