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From: Araia G. Ephrem (agephrem@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Aug 27 2010 - 03:52:47 EDT


VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xptkCNtxubs&feature=player_embedded#!

The winds blew fiercely. The earth shook and mountains wobbled. The sea tumbled with fury too. But the soft cloth waved in humble pride, it gave ways to a red, green, blue and yellow. It must had to wave, for it is a cloth made by blood. Therefore it did wave. In humble pride, it enticed the innocents to deliver. It declared a new dawn before our very eyes.

The soft cloth waved in pride! And the cubs roared. They roared in unison! No matter how fierce the winds blew, the cubs roared with confidence. No matter how the earth shook and the mountains wobbled, the cubs roared standing tall. No matter how the sea tumbled in fury and the waves mercilessly crushed, the cubs roared with grace.

A roar of majestic beauty and fortitude was such a roar! The cubs sure did roar with passion! And when their mother found out how brave of a cub lions her children became to be, she was touched. She looked at each one of them with pride. Out aloud, the mother lioness let a roar that even humble the fierce!

And once more the cubs roared in unison. This time around to celebrate their cherished mother lioness! And the cubs kept roaring in pride forever and ever! Eritrea is the land of lions and lioness. It has the Gallant Sons/Daughters that shield her from the high of heights!

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xptkCNtxubs&feature=player_embedded#!

God/Allah Bless Eritrea!
Eternal Glory to Our Martyrs!

Araia G.Ephrem

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