[DEHAI] [Eri-International Sports] A Championship would be sweet for Eritrea: Uganda ...

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From: Eri-International Sports Comments (michael.seium@gmail.com)
Date: Fri Aug 27 2010 - 07:59:25 EDT

 It was about a year ago when most of us Eritreans got a little
disappointed that our Red sea Camels under 17 team lost to the Cranes
of Uganda by the score of 2-0 in the finals of the CECAFA under 17
championship that took place in Sudan. Eritrea performed well and beat
the home team Sudan convincingly after beating Zanzibar and drawing
with Burundi and Rwanda respectively. The Under 17 boys made us all
proud even though they lost in the championship game.
Eritrea in the semifinals against Rwanda
On Saturday August 28th, 2010 in front of the home crowd the Eritrean
under 20 team has a chance to put an exclamation mark on what has been
an outstanding journey of friendship and development and peace for the
entire central and east Africa region. By defeating a strong Uganda
team Eritrea will show that it has the potential to be a shining star
not only as a host but also as a strong contender of the most beautiful
Eri-International sports in last week’s blog wrote, “Eri-International
sports predicts that Eritrea will get back it's scoring form and will
make the semi finals and will advance for the championship game against
It was a prediction based on the idea that our boys from Eritrea would
score more goals as their offense had been knocking on the door of
their opponents for the entire event. However the home team has been
doing the job defensively and getting enough goals to get through.
Eritrea has been doing it defensively putting the term “The best
offense is a good defense” in order, while Uganda has been scoring
enough goals and comes to the finals as the only team not to lose a
single game. It will be a severe test for the Eritrean national team as
the Ugandans were predicted a clear favorite. The Cranes as they are
known by their nick name are also the defending champions, but what
will make it a sweet victory for Eritrea is to be able to get a win for
the entire nation which has been waiting for a moment like this for a
while. Despite not putting the ball in the back of the net, the
Eritrean team has been getting wins and hopefully they have saved their
best for last. The making of a celebration is there as they face a
defending champion that has not lost a single game in the Cecafa under
20 tourney, and also a nation that beat Eritrea in the under 17 version
last year. With the home field advantage this will surely be a historic
day in Eritrea.
I hope the Red sea boys will do it for our past heroes of the game and
coaches like the legendary Gedil and the many who have contributed to
the sport in Eritrea while also thinking of our Martyrs who have
sacrificed so that we can play as a nation. Eri-International sports
predict a one goal differential victory for Eritrea.
Good luck to our Red sea Camels and on the next blog please look for an
exclusive interview with Golgol Mebrehatu of the Australian A-League.
We will also have a report on the sports portion of the 2010 Eritrean
Festival that took place in Washington D.C
For Eri-Intrenational sports blog
Mike Seium

Posted By Eri-International Sports Comments to Eri-International Sports
at 8/27/2010 04:59:00 AM

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