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From: YPFDJ Media (media@youngpfdj.com)
Date: Mon Sep 06 2010 - 05:58:53 EDT

FOR PICTURES CLICK HERE http://www.youngpfdj.org/index.php
6th YPFDJ Conference in North America opens with great expectations
The 6th YPFDJ conference in North America opened today in Washington DC with
strong presence from the Eritrean youth in United States and Canada. The
hundreds of young Eritreans have convened the conference this morning
Friday the 2nd of September with the aim of furthering the aims and
objectives of the YPFDJ youth movement and opened the proceedings with one
minute silence and flag raising ceremony outside the convention centre in
Washington DC.
The youth conference kicked off with the customary colourful opening
ceremony from several YPFDJ chapters who showed cultural entertainment to
the great delight and response of the participants.
A message from Mr. Yemane Ghebreab to the NA conference was broadcasted
using a video conference facility addressing the participants in the
convention centre. In his message he underscored the strength and defiance
shown by Eritrean people under the hostility shown against the state of
Eritrea using the sanctions put at the behest of US authorities. He reminded
the participants that Eritrea has always been willing to work with US on
cooperation and mutual objectives that serve the interest of both nations.
Eritrea has been looking forward and avoided being negative on its attitude
on building its human capacity, food security and economy. Finally he
stressed the crucial role of YPFDJ on building a viable and strong nation.
Dr. Woldai Futur, the high level delegate from the Eritrean government who
is addressing the conference has made an opening speech to the conference
about the high expectation placed on the Eritrean youth to continue the
success and inherit the values of the past generations which has served the
people and nation of Eritrea. He continued to remind the conference by
stating that although this conference is his first time, he has already seen
encouraging signs in the activities that were carried out on the opening day
and his previous observations.
Ambassador Ghirmay Gebremariam also addressed the conference by reminding
that this year is the 40th anniversary of the 1st conference held by
Eritreans for Freedom in Munich and it is now great to see the flourishing
of the YPFDJ year on year, and following the footsteps of their fathers.
The chair person of the conference organising Committee Mr. Dawit Haile also
welcomed the participants to the conference and thanked the great effort and
hard work shown by the organising committee who has been working tirelessly
for months to put a conference with great planning and organising skills.
This year the facilities for the conference were further enhanced and can
accommodate yet more participants to our expanding conference.
The YPFDJ chapters from Canada, Philadelphia, Charlotte, Boston and Lasvegas
have put a cultural musical and drama show which has delighted conference
participants. The young Eritreans showed great dancing skills and displayed
the costumes and cultural dance of different ethnic groups.
Following the opening ceremony 20 YPFDJ chapters from NA and Europe have
presented their annual work consecutively got a feedback on their work. The
presentations were detailed on thier content and showed the activities,
stregnths and weakness of each chapter, and this year the audiovisiual
presentations has improved significantly from the previous years.
At the end of the day the conference participants have been able to watch a
documentary film called 'Life and Debt' with talks about the national
development of Jamica whose natioal debt has become unmanagable and affects
its development.

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