[DEHAI] (New York Times) 1935 Italians’ Death Trip to Front

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From: Biniam Tekle (biniamt@dehai.org)
Date: Thu Sep 09 2010 - 07:25:13 EDT


>From the International Herald Tribune
100, 75, 50 Years AgoPublished: September 8, 2010

1935 Italians’ Death Trip to Front

ASMARA, Eritrea At dawn today [Sept. 8], near Saganeiti, halfway
between Asmara and the Abyssinian frontier, the Benito Mussolini
battalion of engineers broke camp and started on a journey from which
no one of them expects to come back. Volunteers from around
Mussolini’s birthplace, forty-six of them from Forli alone, the
representative blackshirt unit asked for shock-troop duty and they
expect to die storming the Abyssinians out of the high passes. “We are
going to the front at dawn,” said Captain Spassali Guiseppe, an
officer, “and we won’t meet again. But say when you return to Rome
that though we all be dead we will die victorious.”

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