[DEHAI] [MUSICALS] Seductive Ruth Abraha Strikes Again!

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From: Araia G. Ephrem (agephrem@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Sep 22 2010 - 22:37:15 EDT

Selam All,
Established as "Ruta Shikor", she strikes once more! "Ruta Shikor" is what the youth call her. A nick-name well placed.

SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th8sfsDd7D8&feature=player_embedded#!

When Ruth Abraha sings, the heavens open up. The oceans calm and turn more blue. The grasses turn more green. The winds calm and the air breathes. White doves hoover above. Even fierce animals get cuddly. And the streams just flow gently. When Ruth Abraha sings, her voice pours easy, generous, kind and seductive.

Ruth Abraha; a lead singer from "Wari Youth Band"; strikes again! A beautiful youth, stylish, modest, comfortable within her persona, kind and innocent faced; typical of Eritrean spirit; forges towards the future. Her voices soothes anyone into peace and happiness. She eases you into falling in love with Eritrea and its future over and over again. A graceful seductive musical voice in charts and spirit.

Rightly so, Eritreans as humble victors always write their own proud patterns. Yes, "Earned victory is sweet".

This land we collectively call "The State of Eritrea" has many becoming graces unfolding. Eritrea is blessed! We are blessed indeed! Seductive goddesses always live within us!

SONG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th8sfsDd7D8&feature=player_embedded#!

God/Allah Bless Eritrea!
Eternal Glory to Our Martyrs!

Araia G. Ephrem

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