[DEHAI] Teeth : Poems by Aracelis Girmay

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From: Tsegai Emmanuel (emmanuelt40@gmail.com)
Date: Sat Sep 25 2010 - 20:19:53 EDT


 Aracelis Girmay<http://www.google.com/search?tbs=bks:1&tbo=p&q=+inauthor:%22Aracelis+Girmay%22>,
Martín Espada<http://www.google.com/search?tbs=bks:1&tbo=p&q=+inauthor:%22Mart%C3%ADn+Espada%22>
Curbstone Press, 2007 -
109 pages
 Stunning, highly original poems that celebrate the richness of the author's
multicultural tradition, Teeth explores loves, wars, wild hope, defiance,
and the spirit of creativity in a daring use of language and syntax. Behind
this language one senses a powerful, inventive woman who is not afraid to
tackle any subject, including rape, genocide, and love, always sustained by
an optimistic voice, assuring us that in the end justice will triumph and
love will persevere. LOVE, you be the reason why we swagger & jive, lift the
guitar, & pick up the axe. when it is i tilt my hat to the side, wearing
colors & perfumes, it's cause, love, you did it to me. oh, you do sure turn
my tongue to fiddle, & make the salt taste sweet. man, i don't need a
rooster, or peacock even, to help me spend my time, nope, just you, love,
right & solid as a line. Aracelis Girmay , raised in southern California, is
the inheritor of Eritrean, Puerto Rican, and African American traditions. A
writer of poetry, essays, and fiction, her poems have appeared in numerous
journals and magazines. She leads community workshops in New York and

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