[DEHAI] NEW ALBUM from KORCHACH - weQaH ilkni - TO BE RELEASED SOON: Watch Video Clip

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From: YPFDJ Media (media@youngpfdj.com)
Date: Fri Oct 08 2010 - 13:36:41 EDT




An established album from an established artist is the first impression you
are left with when you listen to the new album 'weqaH ilkini' from Korchach.
The quality and quantity of music in Eritrea is exploding at an impressive
rate and in October 2010 one of the eagerly anticipated new album from
Korchach will be released and distributed to music lovers all over the


The new album from Korchach (Tesfalem Arefaine) is eagerly awaited from his
fans and music lovers world wide and is expected to be released at the end
of October. His last two albums have been widely successful and his music
style established a strong following and respect from Eritrean music
audience. His new album follows his rising popularity and strong
performances over the past few years. His songs have become an anthem with
music lovers in Eritrea. His music and art is in ascendancy and without a
doubt he is now held in highest regards on the Eritrean music scene.


The new album to be released entitled 'weQaH ilkini' contains 11 wonderful
tracks and is expected to elate any music lover and Korchach fans alike.
This is the 4th sole album Korchach is releasing to date. It will be
difficult for any music lover not to find few tracks that will be played
again and again from the album. The music styles is truly ambitious and he
has found the right balance with traditional guayla music and other
different style rhythm songs. He has ventured into unchartered rhythms and
music style and in a process he has pushed the boundaries of music
conventional trodden Tigrigna music style. The use of 'chira waTa'
instrument in the track called 'HanqiQley' is inspirational and it is great
to see the resurgent of the instrument in contemporary songs.


One of Korchach's greatest attribute is his distinctive voice and his
technique of using his voice to a devastating effect to the utter pleasure
of his audience. He has one of the most uncontaminated vocal chords that
can reach some of the highest pitches in the business. The confidence and
ability of vocal technique is always exhibited when a singer is singing slow
rhythmic songs. This vocal ability of Korchach can be heard in the song
called 'zitegefE ayHasmonyu', which is played in a minor scale. His vocal
technique is truly tested and passes with flying colours by creating sounds
that exhilarate his listeners. You can hear his voice coming alive in most
of his songs and especially in the final crescendo of the Guayla songs.
Music lovers will find it difficult to stop their shoulders from moving
involuntarily when they listen to the final crescendo (derib) of songs
called 'beyney' and 'Hanqiqley'


Korchach has now become a house-hold name. He is one of the top performers
in Eritrea, who has continuously performed at the top of his art for
considerable number of years. The adulation and reaction he gets during his
live shows especially from his female fans is truly phenomenal to watch.
Most of his live audience seem to have learned his songs by heart and
sing-along with him during his performances. His confidence and commanding
stage presence has made his concerts not to be missed. This new album will
no doubt add to the Korchach phenomenon.


In his new album 'weqaH ilkini' Korchach has proved to the music world his
accomplishment as a serious artist and consistent musician. He is
undoubtedly performing at the top of his music and he has not suffered from
post successful album syndrome. The lyrics in this album touch upon
different aspects of life, loneliness, love, poverty, infertility, betrayal,
nation etc. With the power of his melodies, the lyrics will no doubt
resonate with music lovers and the songs will be easy to personalise and
relate to. The song called 'aytesekfuni' which is rumoured to be self
portrayal about his struggle with the family responsibility and social
pressures he faces in his daily life, if true, this song gives a deeper
insight to who Korchach is as a person. In another deeply emotional song
called 'nfelale dHan' he talks about reluctant separation of a couple who
can not have a baby.


Sound quality of Eritrean albums of big artists sometimes leaves a lot to be
desired. You will not find that kind of slackness in the soon to be released
album from Korchach. Therefore, it is great kudos to those who have produced
the master of this album. May this album is used as a standard of producing
excellent sounds of music.


Piracy is becoming one of the main risk to the development of music and by
buying this album and all the music you want to listen to, you are ensuring
the future of our music; so go out and buy it from the nearest retailer. And
all the profits from this album is going for a good cause.


The music will be distributed by YPFDJ world wide and all the profit that
can be generated from the album will be strengthening Eritrean youth
activities world wide.






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