[DEHAI] Hizbawi Mekete Continues in Washington D.C

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From: michael seium (michael.seium@gmail.com)
Date: Sun Oct 17 2010 - 13:01:27 EDT

Honoring and defending & enjoying our collective Results: Eritrea E-SMART

Education & Health for Everyone:

The Third “Hizbawi Mekete” of 2010 taking place in Washington D.C

· Statement from His Excellency Ambassador Girmai Ghebremariam on
current situation in Eritrea and regional issues .

· Development and growth of the Eritrean educational system: Dr.
Ghidewon Abbay

     Observation & impressions of Health services in Eritrea: Dr. Bereket

     Question and answer session with the public.

     Date: October 24th, 2010

Time: 1:30 PM

Location: Washington Marriot Hotel

                   1221 22nd street NW

                    Washington D.C 20037

Please come on time from the organizing committee of Hizbawi Mekete.

For more information click on http://www.eritrean-smart.org/

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