[DEHAI] World Intelligence HQ's

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From: Tsegai Emmanuel (emmanuelt40@gmail.com)
Date: Sat Nov 06 2010 - 12:09:29 EST


 *World Intelligence HQ's*

Some are effective and experienced (MI6, UK), some are not (CISEN, Mexico).
Some work under outdated legislation (SIS, Portugal) or are simply
understaffed (ABIN, Brazil). Some are overstaffed (NSA, USA), but are
overrated (MOSSAD, Israel). Some are too cruel (VEVAK, Iran), too powerful
(CIA, USA) or too inscrutable (MSS, China). Others work for their citizens
(AIVD, Netherlands) or work for themselves (ISI, Pakistan). Most, though not
all, are important in the lives of many people. And many people don’t even
know their existence, much less their locations. Intelligence agencies,
services, departments and units are everywhere. Almost every country on
earth has someone, somewhere, collecting, processing, analyzing and
disseminating intelligence. The World Intelligence HQ’s map, is a simple but
laborious effort to map the Worldwide Intelligence Community or Spy Hive, as
Cryptome’s John Young label it. Created by Ana Paula, André de Borges and
Yannick Carvalho

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