[DEHAI] "Hidmona!" - Another "Kudos" for ERiTV Programming!

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From: Berhane Alazar (erigram@comcast.net)
Date: Mon Nov 08 2010 - 21:00:52 EST

When one thinks of it, our hidmo with its ghebela or ktra, wushaTe and
midribiet with its storage (qofo) and cooking facilities is really a
complete dwelling for us humans and our live stock. OK, the ni'edis, and
medebs can be replaced with softer cushioned apparatus. Instead of the
obvious problem of obtaining exotic construction material (Andi, ghemel
and various sized of twigs (for serwe), one can now build it completely
free of the hard to get and, in many cases, undesirable environmental

Once our cement and concrete industry is in full swing, a hidmo can be
constructed with modern building materials without endangering our
environment. Add to that a plumbing and electrical and telephone wiring,
I am sure many of us would prefer the maintenance of our traditional
home to that of the modern but borrowed villas. The point is, there is
no reason why the hidmo (or agudo for that matter) to disappear when we
know we can maintain them by building them with modern amenities. It can
be done and some of us have already done that.



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