[DEHAI] Eritrea becomes Africa's Champion in Cycling

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From: Eaaa News (eaaa_news@yahoo.com)
Date: Sun Nov 14 2010 - 14:18:50 EST

Eritrea becomes Africa's Champion in Cycling The Eritrean Cycling team taking part in the African Cycling Championship pulled through to get the championship title. South African team has been winning Africa's cycling championships and All African Games but got outranked by Eritrea this time. In the first day team time trial, Eritrean team finished first outpacing the second place by over two minutes. Two minutes in time trial is huge and shows the superiority of the Eritrean Team. Team Captain, Frekalsi Debesai, was not impressed with the time due to weather implying that Eritrea team could do better in ideal situations.  Individual time trial was by Daniel and the 144km road race had Daniel and Meron winning first and second place respectively.  The top two Eritrean cyclists, Daniel teklehaimanot and Meron Russom, have now saved spots for the 2012 Olympics. The hope of the future for the Eritrean Cycling Team is that they will dominate African Cycling ! Congratulation to the Team ! The EAAA

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