Re:[DEHAI] Ibex African Books & Sound

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From: yonas habtemariam (
Date: Wed Nov 17 2010 - 07:52:19 EST

Hi Meron,

Let me start by saying that- I am not going to call you names like you did
because I do not want to be sink to the same level as you are.

By definition scammer is: a person who perpetrates a scam; swindler. I did
not took your money and not deliver the promised book or film.

You may think that I make my living by cheating people but for your
information - I am fulltime employed by Nordea Investment Managment in
Stockholm, Sweden.

I posted the article because I want to inform the Dehai community about

I left my name and number because I am not trying to cheat you or anyone.
Many people that know Ibex are aware of that I am one of the partners. We
have pages at Facebook in order to inform friends as well as customer about
the literature we have the ambition to distribute. Thats not cheating that
is using the social network to both inform and advertise our products.

So you should have contacted me or my partner before making such kind of
unnessary statment in the forum the stands to inform the Eritrean community.

May be this touched some sensitiv issue that you stand for. But you do not
stand for the positive discussion that I look forward at Dehai.

I hope this will put things straight about me and Ibex. But if you continue
calling me names and writing false accusation about Ibex, I will dicuss the
matter with our legal advisers and decide what to do next.

Yonas Habtemariam
Mobile +46 733 577 450

Yonas Habtemariam
Mobile +46 733 577 450

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