[DEHAI] Autism in Eritrea

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From: hbokure@aol.com
Date: Sun Nov 28 2010 - 10:56:15 EST

No wonder, that Autism is the latest type of handicap to be identified in Eritrea. Lack of diagnosis, the autistic were merely seen as dumb or mentally retarded associated with their problems to express themselves verbally in socially acceptable norm. In short, it is a developmental lag attributed to language deficit, and for the most part, it is the most complex handicap, and so are its victims. Each is different who needs specialized treatment in all areas of life. Some are highly functional who need a minor intervention while others are severely affected who require a holistic approach in an effort to develop life skills. Some have an artistic bent due to their photographic memory attributed to their highly visual perception; others are good in music by virtue of their above average acoustic sensitivity. They can tell you the result of complex mathematical problem not by figuring out, but by recalling the exact solution. Just like twelve times twelve that everyone can tell without calculation. Rarely, some are deaf with whom I am working at present in educational setting. They can improve their expressive skills by learning sign language on-one-to-one base. That is by developing individualized educational program (IEP).

Autism was discovered in the fifties based on behavioral manifestation such as withdrawal which is more pronounced. However, the exact causes of this complex handicap have not been identified in medical field. It is indiscriminate type of handicap regardless of race or economic status. But according to repeated observation, the parents of autistic children seem to be highly educated or naturally intelligent and gifted as long as the genetic aspects of its syndrome are concerned.

The treatment of autistic children is costly, and it demands a highly trained personnel and educational resources in an effort to help them grow intellectually, socially, emotionally as contributing members of our society in the making. I hope that parental intervention in Eritrea coupled with public and societal support would alleviate the problems of acoustic children to some degree. The recent meeting of founding members in Asmara is a case in point. They can act as spokesmen and spokeswomen of thier speechess children. Our autistic children are not alone as long as they have a thoughtful parents who love them for who they are.

Up from handicap.

Haile Bokure

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