[DEHAI] Re: [dehai-news] Viewing diplomatic cables on Eritrea and Ethiopia from WikiLeaks in 2008 and 2009

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From: Adiam Berhane (adiam7@mac.com)
Date: Wed Dec 08 2010 - 23:33:49 EST

I find this to be the most offensive of the cables. THe way senior officials are described as "green card holders" and "American citizens" shows a very petty nature. THey

know that these men are ERitrean , regardless of what passports they acquired in their lives .The most telling thing I have read so far is that the US thinks that Defense

Minister Sebhat Efrem attending a reception on February 2nd, President Isaias birthday, was somehow telling of how Minister Sebhat Efrem felt about president Isaias. This

line :
"February 2 is also President Isaias’ birthday, yet General Sebhat chose to spend the evening celebrating Groundhog Day at the CMR", says it all,

These people are small minded, petty, and are used to worshiping personalities. When have we ever celebrated President Isaias's birthday as a nation? I didn't even know his

birthday until I read this. I know that many world leaders , including President Obama, have huge feasts and public celebrations on their birthday(often at taxpayers costs) but

that is not the Eritrean way. President Isaias doesn't even have formal photos, let alone formal celebrations. SInce Minister Efrem did not spend the day wit h President

Isaias and he isa "lunatic" why wasn't Minister Efrem fire, arrested, imprisoned, killed!The was our traditional food was described and categorized was also offensive and

indicative of the personality of those who attended. It is so obvious that the Eritrean government has been correct about the US and its role in our affairs.

It is a miracle that President Isaias has survived thee attempt to marginalize and demonize him, I mean really to say he spends his time painting, fooling with gadgets and

doing carpentry? They are saying he has hobbies and interests outside of politics, and that is not how madmen usually operate. I cannot wait to read all of these cables as they

are revealed, I am sure it will get worse and worse. Thank you so much for compiling them like this, since getting to Wikileaks is harder and harder every day. What ever

happened to free speech?


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