[DEHAI] Remembering Tekleab Birhane

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From: hbokure@aol.com
Date: Sun Dec 12 2010 - 11:11:09 EST

If my memory doesn't betray me, I can recognize Tekleab Birhane from seeing his latest picture.
(Please check webmaster@alenalki.com). He was my senior who grew up with me at Geza Kenisha.
 His younger brother was my friend as well as my classmate. Tekeleab was very attractive with musical bent.
 He joined the Rocket Band that was popular in the mid sixties in Asmara. Teleab along with Tekele Tesfazghi
 were vocalists of the short-lived musical group. In the Spring of 1966, the Rocket Band as a part of its
preliminary debut came to Dekemare to perform a musical show free of charge. I was at Sudan Interior Mission
 Boarding School for Boys then. Tekleab visited me after the show was over. That was the last time I saw him.
 Later he joined the Asmara Band (mahber theatre Asmara). I learned this when Tekle Tesfaghi was in solo
at a time when his band was invited to dramatize the Tigringa version of Shakespearean play
 " Much Ado About Nothing." It was performed by senior high school students at the then Hailesealssie High
 now known as Red Sea. As a singer of his own time, his name is cited in a recent book "TeAmot" covering
 the history of music in Eritrea. The author is Memhr Asres Tesema whom I know since my high school years.
May he rest in peace.
My condolence to his immediate family members.
Haile Bokure (Hailemichael Bokurezion)
From Inda Blata Zekarias, Misgina
Ghebrezghi and Ade Zifan Area

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