[DEHAI] Re: [dehai-news] Wikileaks: Cables from 2007-10-26 09:09

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From: Adiam Berhane (adiam7@mac.com)
Date: Sat Dec 18 2010 - 08:53:30 EST

Once again, thank you for compiling these leaks on Dehai. If the military was surprisingly loyal and unwillingly to participate in a US sponsored coup d'etat in previous cables, how come they are described as cracking, fractured, and corrupt in this cable? They know that the Eritrean government does not tolerate corruption. I wonder what purpose it serves the US and its intelligence divisions to report lies, inaccuracies, speculations, and innuendos to each other ? I know how it benefits them to report this to the world, through their numerous pipelines, mainly the so called free press (think Reuters), but I cannot imagine how inaccurately relating events full of emotional commentaries and lies could benefit the US in any way. They should go back to the Dragnet slogan, "Just the facts, ma'am". Someone at the Asmara Embassy was an English major with aspirations of someday writing he great American novel. It seems that they are trying to justify their existence, presence, and more importantly their budget with this over dramatization of events. The bureaucracy fails to check on any of these reported "facts" because they support their stated positions. It is clear that in the hopes of pushing their agenda , US officials are undermining their countries foreign policy.


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