[DEHAI] The Eritrean Dream is near

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From: Semirnna Adhanom (semirnna@yahoo.com)
Date: Sat Dec 18 2010 - 13:44:56 EST

The Eritrean Dream is near Eritrea is a country who is so feed up with all the mistreatment and crime that was committed by the Ethiopians and their sponsors that include most of the rich countries that if I try to mention them the list would be long. I always wonder why the international community sides with Ethiopia every time during the last 60 years. And the answer seems to be that Ethiopian leaders for the last 60 years where willing to sell their own country’s interests and were willing to act as a servant of the white man. I have a great respect for Ethiopian history of bravery, independence, and civilization before 1800’s, but what happened to the present generation of Ethiopian elites who are willing to be servants of outside forces and commit crimes against their own people and neighbors.  This has been so evident for the current regime in Addis Ababa, who was a tool for the US adventures in Somalia recently. I heard before somebody say “we can’t choose our neighbors but our destiny”. It is so true that this same people especially the elites of Ethiopia will be our neighbors for ever, but we know their true colors by now which the Eritrean people learned the hard way. It saddens me to see not only the current regime in Addis who is occupying sovereign Eritrean territory by force, but also the  Ethiopian elites in the diasporas keep  on beating the drum of war and destruction so often, that it makes me wonder, will we ever have peace with the Ethiopian elite groups. I know the general public in Ethiopia want peace instead of war, development instead of destruction just like all the peoples of the horn Africa, but they are not blessed with leaders who do what the people’s inspirations and dreams are. But that is another topic and I will let the Ethiopians figure it out for themselves and choose to be either a tool of foreign agents or develop their country by being in peace with themselves and their neighbors. As for us Eritreans, it seems like we figured out how to defend the country at the same time work hard to achieve the Eritrean dream where so many heroes paid the ultimate price of life for, and that is “to build a prosperous and stable nation, where material and spiritual needs of its citizens could be fully satisfied through guaranteeing the highest level of economy, academy, vocational capacity, as well as the provision of social services” (Shabait.com Dec 17 editorial). What a noble cause to live for than spend your life to make a better place for the next generation, that is exactly what the Warsay-Yikealo’s doing this day in Eritrea. The results of their hard work and sacrificies is bearing fruit and even the international mass media who is controlled by the powerful countries just started to admit to the progress that is taking place in Eritrea. I just read the article that predicts Eritrea to be the best performing economy in the world in 2011 (GDP +17%) and I was filled with joy and said “wow dreams come true for real” that is what every Eritrean believed in the potential of the people to change the country once and for all through hard work and sacrifices despite all the special interest groups obstructions and short sighted nay sayers who have been preaching the doomsday scenario. It will be so hard for the enemy to swallow this pill of truth and we should be vigilant not to underestimate them, because understandably this will be a taught year for them, but it will be a launching pad for the Eritrean people to reach to the place where we know and believe Eritrea belongs.  The Eritrean cycling national team win of being African champions was not just a coincidence, but it is a sign of Eritrea’s potential and the place it belongs in every sector, be it in economy, sport, military, technology, education, healthcare , …etc. Besides, it is a sign of the Eritrean dream is near. Semir (semirnna@yahoo.com)

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