[DEHAI] Eritrea's Excellent Performance in Sport in 2010 deserves the greatest celebration

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From: Eaaa News (eaaa_news@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Dec 24 2010 - 09:34:04 EST

Eritrea's Excellent Performance in Sport in 2010 deserves the greatest celebration EAAA wishes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! Eritrea's performance in the sports arena had an extreme excellence in three fields. Running The latest victory come from Kidane Tadese's gold in a cross country championship in Europe. Teklemariam Medhin won three cross country Golds in Spain upsetting kenya's greatest runners. Zerisenay danced with great zeal in Nanning, China winning Silver in World Half Marathon Championships. The above victories came in in the last quarter of this year. Abrar Osman had his greatest victory of Gold in 3000m this year in a surprising way to IAAF. Teklamariam also won the greatest victory of his time with Silver in the World Cross Country Championships held in Amman, Jordan. Both Zerisenay and Teklemariam have greately helped Eritrea to be put in the podium for Silver Medals in both World Half Marathon Championships and World Cross Country Championships respectively.  Eritrea and its runners have won a substantial amount of monetary awards by IAAF, International Association of Athletic Federations, in this blessed 2010, year of vcitory. Cycling: In an extremely surprising and uprooting victory of all times, Eritrean cyclists have become Africa's champions for the first time. The win was in a total domination by Eritrean cyclist not seen in the cycling history of Africa. This kind of domination of a major cycling championship by one team is extremely rare to non existent in world history of cycling. Daniel's first place win and saving of spot for Olympics is great for the cyclist and the country. Tour de Rwanda was also the greatest success for Eritrean cyclists. All  classifications have been won by Eritrean cyclists. These classification are: in time over all, point classification, hill climbing and young riders classification. The cyclists truly deserve the welcome accord we have seen in Asmara. Earlier  performance of Eritrean cyclist this year in Tour de Eritrea was also amazing ! Soccer Eritrea's performance in the East and Central Africa Championships held in Asmara for teenage players was breath taking. The hosting of the torunament has also taken the heart of the participants. Eritrea's finish to second place was great. The performance of the players has won admiration even by the winners of the torunament, Uganda. Ugandan coach said then that Eritrea deserve to take the win of the torunament for the tactics of play they displayed. In our eyes, they are the champions.  In the kids catagory, Eritrean teams have displayed great performce in the scandinavian countries ! Well, a look back in 2010 is a great inspiration for Eritrean athletes and a source of joy for all of us ! We are celebrating these holidays with all these accomplishments and expection of greater efforts in the year to come ! Happy Holidays ! Eritrean American Athletics Associaiton Aspiring to uplift Eritrea in Athletics, December 24th, 2010

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