[DEHAI] 2011: An Inflection Point in Eritrea's Economy?

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From: Bereket Kidane (welela83@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Dec 31 2010 - 04:25:22 EST

I have never seen Eritrea described as a resource-rich country in the press before.  That is a new one!  Of course, Eritrea is endowed with natural resources (not just the mineral variety) but also a long coastline, hundreds of pristine islands and a rich marine life that tourists and adventurers can only dream of exploring.  All of its resources will be exploited for the benefit of its peoples in due time.  But as important as these natural resources are, Eritrea's greatest resource has always been and will always be its people.
Eritrea has always been underestimated and misunderstood by political observers and policy makers in the powers that be.
Reading the Wikileaks cable where the US Ambassador to Eritrea mused over the patriotism of Eritreans that makes it possible for the leadership to stay in power was, to say the least, amusing.  Outsiders have always failed to understand that the true secret of Eritrea lies in the steadfastness of its people and the sense of delayed gratification they have. 
2011 is shaping up to be what they call in differential calculus an "inflection point" for Eritrea's economy.  Shall we say the concavity is changing for Eritrea in more ways than one?  Better days are coming for sure.
Happy 2011 to everyone!

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