[DEHAI] Reflections on Minister Saleh Meky

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From: Senait Yohannes (senait_7yw@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Oct 07 2009 - 17:07:45 EDT

Minister Saleh Meky will indeed be missed. He was a unique leader and a generous and caring human being. I worked with Meky for about 3 years while he was Minister of Health. He was a mentor and a father figure to me. I am one of those people who when I heard the sad news that he passed away I thought no he can’t and didn’t want to accept it, because I knew he had so much to do. His vision and inclusive habit was unparalleled. He delegated each and every member of the ministry with a task, and made each and everyone feel their contribution was necessary. From the top leadership in the ministry to the bottom everyone loved Saleh Meky. Everyone worked extremely hard to prove they can handle the responsibilities entrusted to them by him. Through his leadership and dedication the Ministry of Health was transformed in a very short time and milestones in the health sector were registered. He not only implemented the government’s strategy of providing affordable basic health care to all citizens, his vision went beyond that and with his personality he attracted many organizations and partners outside the ministry to assist in improving the health sector further. He worked very hard in building lasting institutions and in developing the human resources necessary within the ministry and in making them sustainable long term. He strived to set standards in the health care in Eritrea. Everything was possible with Minister Saleh Meky, and at all times his mind was thinking 3 steps ahead of everyone. He will be sorely missed. Eritrea lost a great leader in him. May he rest in peace, and may his family and all of us find solace in the coming days. Senait Yohannes Bay Area, CA

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