[DEHAI] Watch out gual Ankere....

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From: Tesfai.Kflu@fredonia.edu
Date: Sun Nov 01 2009 - 22:38:44 EST

Gual Ankere...
     Is still on the top and we still
love her, but... but.. but... a star is on the
rise. She has got to watch out ... it won't
be going that easy :-)
     Fiyiori is another talent... & we , of course
wish her the best
     Please, click at the website below.
Tesfai Kflu


From: Elu . [mailto:kfluv@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sun 11/1/2009 6:42 PM
To: Kflu, Tesfai
Subject: more of 'Esteheena Girl' Cultural Dance



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