Date: Fri Dec 11 2009 - 03:18:16 EST
Selam Sam,
How come I didn't receive this Biniam Haile's email? Reading
his email from your attachment, I also can't fathom what his
message is. To me he makes no sense at all. How can Zeyhilel
ever be accused of being an "agent of Western Imperialism"
when Zeyhilel has made it his cause to expose the sinister
designs of ALL imperialists and their lackeys ?
Of course, his concluding statement questioning whether [Zeyhilel]
"deserves to be here at all" is the one that tells the most story of
the immaturity of this fellow. Before he could ascertain where Zeyhilel
stood on the issue at hand, he was suggesting possible punishment
of Zeyhilel. And the sad thing is that there many Eritreans like this
person, individuals who are ready to crucify you before hearing you out.
By the way, thank you for your honest and rational analysis of my
posting as always.
“Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's
opinion is the best proof of stupidity.”...
.............. Michel de Montaigne
I don't think what Zeyhilel wrote merits making him an "agent" of any sort.
To me it makes prefect sense. No one denies that Eritrea is a poor country.
No body in Eritrea is hiding his fact. The main priority of GOE is
fighting poverty.
and I also think the GOE tolerates youth migration. Don't you think Al
made of fool of itself, in airing such obvious one sided anti Eritrea
What is the big deal in what Zeyhilel had to say?
If you don't mind, and if you have the time for it, could you please
explain to me
what is so objectionable in what he had to say?
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None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Biniam Haile (SWE)
<> wrote: > Dear Dehaiers! > > It definitely doesn't take a genius to
understand that this troll called > "Zeyhilel" is nothing but a wolf in
sheep's clothing intended to do nothing > more than to fool the flock. Please
watch the amateurish Aljazeera video and > analyze carefully what "Zeyhilel"
wrote then you guys tell me if this agent > of Western imperialism deserves
to be here or not. > > Biniam Haile