Date: Thu Dec 17 2009 - 22:45:00 EST
Selam " Brainy-Wannabe",
You can rest assured, I wasn't thinking of your kind when I was
writing of "brain drain" from the poor countries to the developed
countries. No, no. Not at all. People like you don't count wherever
they happen to be. Even the Eritrean word "Mequatsirti" is too
generous to describe an "illiterate" person like you that not only
totally fails to comprehend the message of a very plane posting
but has the temerity to misconstrue the intent of the article.
How was it? Oh, yes: "Kem Tirhu gereweyna Gerew Gerew!". In
other words, if you have nothing to say: SHUT UP!
“Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's
opinion is the best proof of stupidity.”...
.............. Michel de Montaigne
I’m glad Eritrea is drained of your useless brain zeylhilel . We see right
through your weak attempt to downgrade our country and people in the name
of uplifting it. Someone give this silly rabbit some trix!!