[DEHAI] Tour De Eritrea-Four stages, Final today

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From: Yohannes Debesai (ydebesai@yahoo.com)
Date: Sun Dec 20 2009 - 09:26:25 EST

Tour De Eritrea-Four stages: at www.eastafro.com
Eritrean Cyclists are excelling at the competitions ! Seeing the particiapation of Eritrean Cyclists in Tour de Egypt, Tour De Ivory Coast, All African Games and other competitions, this seems the best performance by Eritrean cyclists.
It is delighting to see the competitions at www.eastafro.com and thanks for making it possible for us to see it the same day.
Final competitions will be held today in Asmara, It will be a historic and interesting race.
If you have not watched the tour on Eri-TV, the links below will entertain you.
Best of Luck to the cyclists,
Massawa- Asmara
stage two: Mendefera-Adiquala-Asmara-Dekemhare
stage one: Keren-Mendefera

Prerace Interview



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