[DEHAI] [VoA RADIO INTERVIEW] Views opposing the intended sanctions on Eritrea

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From: Araia G. Ephrem (agephrem@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue Dec 22 2009 - 19:32:57 EST

Selam All,
Below is a link to a VoA radio interview, regarding the intended sanction on Eritrea based on fabricated and groundless lies, which the UNSC (United Nation's Security Council) has been brewing so far. All Eritreans and their friends should stand up and raise their caliber to the occasion.

Please click on the link below.

INTERVIEW LINK: http://mestyat.com/sound/tigr1900aTUE_Mekete2009.mp3

Also, please sign the petition by visiting the link below:

PETITION LINK: http://www.change.org/actions/view/stop_scapegoating_eritrea_no_sanctions_based_on_lies

All sovereign websites are copied in this memo.

God/Allah Bless Eritrea!
Eternal Glory to Our Martyrs!

Araia G. Ephrem


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