From: Alula Afework (
Date: Wed Dec 23 2009 - 01:17:10 EST
Shame to the UN Security Council!!!
Alula Afework
December 23, 2009
this week, we are told the UN Security Council is said to vote and execute an
agenda to sanction one of its independent sovereign state that has done absolutely
nothing wrong, besides, speaking the truth against the brutality and atrocities
that is being committed against our Brothers the Somali people. In the past few weeks, we have been hearing
more and more about the infamous draft that is supposedly drafted by UGANDA and
passed by the AU and now supported by all members of UN Security Council, except
for Libya, is about to be passed before the end of this week. What exactly is this draft aim at achieving?
What lesson if any is the west in its so called civilized mind wants to teach
us? And what are we suppose to make of the UN Security Council which main
objective was supposed to have been to protect its independent sovereign
members and maintain peace and order in the world.
the next few paragraphs, I will attempt to address the first two questions. One could assume that this is meant to bring
about a solution to the ongoing destabilization of the Somali problem, if one
is to be naïve and believe that the cause and the fuel of the problem to be
Eritrea. But the problem with this is,
Eritrea is neither the origin nor has in any form or shape contributed to the
flame of the Somalis problem. The facts speak for themselves, the Somali problem
was exacerbated only after the Ethiopian regime kept on dividing and paying one
war lord against the other, supplying weapons to various factions at one point
or another, so they won’t form any type of unity. But after decade of different tugs and
warlords kept on fighting each other, the Somali people finally rose up and
said enough is enough and wanted to be in charge of their destiny, as one people
in the form of ISLAMIC COURT. What we
saw during the short time the Islamic Court took charge of Mogadishu, was a
return of peace to a city that was once forgotten by the world body, as a
hopeless case. People finally were
starting to get back to their lives after many dreams and hopes have been shattered. But this short lived peace was taken from
them in no more than 6 month of the Islamic Court taking over Mogadishu. The peaceful streets of Mogadishu were once
again back to the roars of gun sound and fully fledged destruction. But this time it was not the warlords doing
the destruction, it was the reckless and shameful act by Ethiopia under the
direct guidance and blessing of Washington. And it is this interference by the west with
the Ethiopian Government as an instrument why the Somalis have been suffering
and continue to suffer, so the answer is very clear, Eritrea has nothing to do
with any of the atrocities that are being committed on the good people of
Somalia. As a matter of fact, it is no
secrete, during the failed attempted colonization of Ethiopia of Somalia during
the year 2006- 2008, under the excuse of fighting Jihadist, the crime that was committed against the poor
citizens of Mogadishu could be compared
to Genocide. As a matter of fact, some independent
analyst at the time had called it genocide because of the in discriminant
killing of children, elderly and woman in the streets of Mogadishu, to a point
where we were once told up to 1 million Mogadishu residents had to flee the
city. And this are facts that the AU
turned their backs on, it was this atrocities and miseries committed on real
time to real people that the UN SECURITY COUNCIL chose to ignore, to the plight
and cries of the Somali people.
only wrong doing of the Eritrean Government, if any was, the refusal to be part of this
systematic Genocide that has been perpetuated by the west using Ethiopia as an
instrument. Eritrea called spade by its
name a spade from the start, and warned the world time and time again, that Washington
and its surrogates were heading toward the wrong path and in the end neither
will it bring them to a meaningful peace nor it will bring Somalia any tangible
solution. But time and time again the Government
of Eritrea expressed its dissatisfaction with which the mishandling of the Somalis
affair by the narrow and self interested group of people from the state
department was handling it. In retrospect, we all can recall the Eritrean government
has given the people of Somalia and its leaders a venue where they could all
come under one roof and discuss and find a common solution to their common
problems. And it was never a secrete to
any one, that Eritrea has welcomed not a particular group but any group that
wanted to bring about a meaningful change to Somalia, and it was because of
that genuine desire, that many Somalia party leaders, business people, as well
as any concerned group who wanted a genuine peace for Somalia, including leaders
from the Islamic court, even the now blessed by the white house leader of the
Transitional federal government of Somalia participated. But this meeting was a bitter pill to swallow
for the west because, it was not them that brought the Somalis together but it
was the small country in the horn of Africa that had the foresight and true
desire for peace that brought all Somalis under one roof. Of course for the colonizers this is a bitter
pill to swallow and thus we know what happened next, using their timed tested
tactics of dived and conquer, they split part of the Islamic court and kept
dividing them, calling one moderate another extreme, just using semantics to
divide the good people of Somalia. And
now realizing the true intention of Eritrea to bring about genuine peace in
Somalia and after witnessing an actual process taking place, they had to stop
Eritrea at all cost, and this sanction is nothing more than a process they
started on the after math of seeing a tangible peace was on the horizon for
Somalia, one that could have been achieved because of the open forum and
discussion that was taking place by all Somalis involved. So to summarize what is this sanction aim at achieving?
Nothing more than to shut Eritrea up
from talking the real way of achieving peace in Somalia, and to force, and intimidate
Eritrea to accept the status quo in
regard to Somalia, to be subservient to
the wishes and demands of the state department.
Unfortunately it is not in the nature of Eritreans or the government of
Eritrea to side with wrong doers and forget the plight of our brothers when in
time of need. The Eritrean Government has shown time and time again its unequivocal
interest in helping bring about a meaningful peace to the people of Somalia and
it has not just said it but has done it by not taking side with anyone but by
asking ALL Somalis to come under one roof and discuss their common problems.
states are asleep, they have been asleep for quite some time, it is time that
they wake up, but this sanction is meant to also scare any sleeping state in
Africa to not wake up and continue in a state of dream. Eritrea in the minds of the west is un awaken
state, I even dare to say one of the few state that is awake and bold enough to
speak the truth of the continue interference of the west in our beloved
continent of Africa. Unfortunately most
of the African leaders have sold their principles and have formed allegiance to
the interest of the west rather than look after their improvised countries, the
only thing they are serving is their pockets and the wishes and demands of the
west. Today, many African country leaders
are busy selling their fertile land to the west, while million of their people are
starving to death. And it is leaders
like this that the west want to tell us, pro democracy and progressive leaders,
but we Eritreans know quite well, progressive is what the Eritrean Government
is doing, not selling lands but building school in the lands where the citizens
live, not leasing fertile land up to 99 years but rather opening hospitals,
roads, clean water and many more to its citizen while preventing and keeping
the Eagles of the west from getting an inch of our beloved country. So my brothers, this sanction has a much larger implication than just attempting
to shut Eritrea up, this is also about those who have been salivating to get
their hands on Eritrea, want to create a division between the people of Eritrea
and its government. This is another
method of creating chaos inside Eritrea and in the horn in the name of
peace. We know very well, what Washington
means when they come in the name of peace and democracy, one should not see any
further than Iraq. The ones peaceful and harmonious country in Middle East turned
in to a complete chaos and turmoil.
I would like to address the last question that I have raised on the
first paragraph, which basically asked what we are to make of the UN Security
Council? Ordinarily as the name states,
the UN Security Council is mandated with keeping up with the world’s
security. What is absurd and rather mind
boggling about the nature of this sanction is, there is nothing like it, in the
history of the UN Security, where they have attempted to sanction an independent
sovereign state, that has not committed any crimes against humanity be it to
its citizen or any other, has not in any form or shape, endangered the world,
nor its immediate neighbors with any form of be it biological or chemical
warfare, it is not in the process of collecting uranium for the purpose of
building nuclear power. Basically there
is nothing of the kind one would look for a destabilizing nature of any
sort. To the contrary, Eritrea happens
to be one of the safest and properly managed and ruled nation on Africa. And the Absurdity of this sanction is, they
want to sanction a country for what they call “political support” there is no precedence
for this type of sanction, nor is there any justification what so ever. Even if one was to assume that for the purpose
of argument that Eritrea violated a UN embargo which had stated, distributing
or selling military weapon to Somalia, this sanction or draft does not mention any
thing with military aid, rather it is about totally fabricated bogus
issues. The UN had never stated, politically
supporting any Somali group, warranted a sanction. So it looks like, these are things that are
being made as they go, by throwing whatever they can to make it stick. What is clear is, the Enemies of Eritrea have
concocted some garbage and has coerced other members of the UN Security Council
to accept it in the name of doing a favor for AU. What is rather sad, is, AU is an organization
that is ridden with corruption and an organization that turned its ear deaf
when real Africans suffered under regimes and governments that were rouge. To mention a few: where was AU, during the 30
year struggle of Eritrean people? Where
is AU NOW during the illegal and unlawful occupation of Eritrean territory by
Ethiopia? Where was AU, during the apartheid
of South Africa? Where was AU during the
Genocide of Rwanda? Though it will fill
a whole book to mention the silence AU has shown over the years, while real
issues that has transpired over its Continent, where African citizens suffered,
for the purpose of this paper, I will leave it at that. So today, where did all this revelation of
good will and desire to help Somalia came in AU? Where was the AU, during the illegal
attempted of Ethiopian colonization of Somalia? Where thousands of innocent Somalis were
stranded and left for dead. If there was
a genuine sanction to come, I would say, the leaders of AU should be sanctioned
for their moral bankruptcy!!! Last but
not least, The UN Security council though over the past few years, has been morally
sinking deeper and deeper, and has become nothing more than an office where the
state department’s whishes get granted.
If the Security Council passes this reckless and dangerous plot, what precedence
they are setting is unimaginable. If
they can do this, what is to stop them, a year from today, to come up with another
AU proposed resolution that states, since Eritrea has not abide by the
sanction, it must be disarmed, and in the name of AU the security council
giving grant to The Ethiopian regime to start another war. It is not too late for the members of the Security
Council, to come to their sense and refuse to be bullied by the state
department and refuse to vote, against sanctioning Eritrea. This sanction will only bring further shame
and disgrace to the Security Council and will not bring an ounce of peace to
the Somalis cause!!!!!!
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