From: Berhane Alazar (
Date: Wed Dec 23 2009 - 20:32:53 EST
Déjà vu: The UNSC abrogates its Responsibility and Betrays Eritrea Once Again!
So the UNSC has passed the long taunted sanction against Eritrea with less than unanimity in spite of Washington's undivided attention to get it done with the support of all the 15 members. In reality, the just passed sanction resolution against Eritrea has NOTHING to do with what Eritrea has done as what Eritrea has refused to do! Simply stated, they want Eritrea to toe in the proven disastrous political line Washington has been pursuing in the Horn region for more than 50 years - especially vis-à-vis Eritrea and Ethiopia.
But, the bitter truth remains that Eritrea will never abandon its national security interests just to appease a very irresponsible Superpower that is acting more like a cowardly rat than the principled giant it could've been!
As ill-conceived as this act of banditry of the UNSC is, Eritrea remains unfazed by the illegal and unwarranted actions thrown at her. Eritreans all over the world are solidly behind their people and government and they will continue to do so. They have fought too hard and far too long at tremendous human suffering and material destruction to simply "Change" especially where change is neither appropriate nor even necessary. They will continue to protect their national interest regardless of what the US and its unprincipled members of the so called UNSC do. But, let this cowardly and illegal act of this US-sponsored UN action be a reminder to the enemies of Eritrea and especially to the crime laden Weyane thugs that, in spite of their malicious hallucinations, Eritrea will come up even stronger and more determined than ever to head on any and all the evil machinations that is aimed to weaken its spirit and derail it from its development activities. It won't happen!
However it is only appropriate to remind the UNSC, once more, that its callous and evil actions (inactions) and not Eritrea are the prime cause of the horrendous human suffering and instability in the Horn region. And unless the prime concerns of the peoples of the region are addressed and addressed soon, the consequences would not be hard to fathom and the US and the UNSC will bear full responsibility.
Never mind the inability or unwilling of the various US Administrations to see things as they are, instead as they would like them to be, the following rhetorical questions to the UNSC members are appropriate:
1) Why is it the non existent so called "Border issue with Djibouti" more important and that needs to be settled than the real Ethiopia-Eritrea border demarcation issue, which remains held hostage by the intransigence of the US subservient Ethiopian government?
2) Why was this sanction necessary against Eritrea without any credible evidence that it had broken any laws, while no sanction has been contemplated against Ethiopia which continually flouts the rule of law by refusing to abide by several of the UNSC resolutions regarding the Algiers Treaty signed between Eritrea and Ethiopia with the US, UN as witnesses and guarantors?
3) Why is Ethiopia allowed to behave irresponsibly by ignoring many of the UNSC resolutions and supplying arms to Somali factions and actually invading a sovereign Somali state all with the blessing of the US, a member of the UNSC?
4) Why does the UNSC look the other way in spite of Ethiopia's refusal to vacate Eritrean sovereign territories as stated in the Algiers Treaty and almost 7 years after the EEBC final verdict, which has confirmed all those territories to Eritrea?
5) Why is it the welfare of the internally displaced Eritreans, as a result of Ethiopian government war of aggression against Eritrea, less important than some phantom Djiboutians who may have voluntarily crossed the border into Eritrea as they usually do?
Historically, the UN, in general, and the UNSC, in particular, has very dismal record of performance primarily because they seem to be intimidated, bribed or cajoled by the United States of America or, to some extent, by the other veto wielding states. It is little wonder then why many of its resolutions remain ineffective and many times never implemented! It is inappropriate to implement a resolution that is flawed, unfair and skewed just to appease certain interest groups.
If the UN is going to be what it claims to be, it must be overhauled from the ground up with all its 60 year old non working "Working" mechanisms revisited, revised and/or amended as appropriate to fulfill the needs of all its constituents, and not only the states with veto power.