[DEHAI] [12/14/05] What is the agenda of the Zionists and the United States in Eritrea ?

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From: zeyhilel@aol.com
Date: Thu Dec 24 2009 - 11:14:49 EST

Selam Dehaiers,

To have a complete understanding of the acts of nations, we should always
remember that nations are moved by their INTERESTS ONLY and not by how the
people or the leadership
of a particular country is more friendly or less friendly to them. I have
always contended that even if the friendliest angels were to come down from
the Heavens and run Eritrea with a committed mission to please the
Zionists and the United States in every way possible, Eritrea would still have
received the same biased and hateful treatment it now receives at the hands of
these imperialists. Why? Because Eritrea is perceived by them to be in the
way to their overall scheme of controlling the Red Sea from being totally
in the hands of Moslem countries (See the attached [DEHAI] post of December,

Simply put, the Zionists and the United States wish to see the name of
Eritrea removed from the map of Africa. Period. And this isn't necessarily to
please the Woyane or the Ethiopia of the future. Not at all. They do what
As to the shallow-minded Eritreans that harbor opportunistic thoughts of
usurping power now that the crown is under external pressure, I have news
for them. In the late 1870's when the Eritrean "Mesafinti" [feudal lords],
who were battling the army of Tigrean King Yoahnnes at the time, chose to be
allies with the just-disembarked Italian colonizer army thinking that the
Italian authorities would be more understanding than Yoahnnes to their
rightful hereditary position. [Here I think it is fair to say that the Eritrean
Mesafinti must have been well aware of the fact that Yoahnnes got to be
where he was because he allied with the British army in the Magdela invasion
against the forces of King Tedros in the mid 1860's]. Well, the Eritrean
Mesafinti gambled wrongly. As soon as the Italians got settled, they decided
that the Eritrean feudal lords had to go. And most of the Eritrean
Mesafinti that didn't die fighting or find refuge in Tigray perished in the
notorious NaQra maximum prison. The Italian colonizers didn't need them.
How did Haile Sellasie similarly put it? Some thing like this "Meritu new
inju hizbu meche asfelegen" [ It is only the land of Eritrea that we need
and not its people]. Another imperialist SERVING ONLY HIS INTEREST.
Surely, the people of Eritrea will yet again rise to the occasion to
protect their land and their independence. They have no choice. How was the EPLF
slogan? "Kalsina Zitenawehe Iyu !!" [ Our struggle is long and arduous]
“Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's
opinion is the best proof of stupidity.”...
.............. Michel de Montaigne

    [DEHAI] [tweaked]What is the agenda of the Zionists and the United
States in Eritrea? Date: 12/14/2005 5:05:11 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From:
_Zeyhilel@aol.com_ (mailto:Zeyhilel@aol.com)
          To: _dehai@dehai.org_ (mailto:dehai@dehai.org) CC: BCC:
Sent on:

Selam Dehaiers,
Q1. What is the agenda of the Zionists and the government of the United
      (that many claim is being controlled by a cabal of so-called
neo-conservatives that
      either are Zionists themselves, or are associated or linked to
Zionists and or the ultra
      conservative Likud party in Israel)?
A1. The long term security of Israel.
Q2. But how is the Horn of Africa involved with the security of Israel?
A2. Ever since the Suez War of 1956, one of Israel's policies has been to
establish an
      ally on the Red Sea coast in order to avert any future blockade by
any Arab nation.
      Ethiopia fit this specification since it had the long coast line by
the Red Sea and it
      had a predominantly Christian country that had a history of waging
wars against
      Islamic incursions. Thus started the long-term relationship of
Israel and the USA
      with Ethiopia. Israel continued supporting and giving aid to
Ethiopia EVEN WHEN
      UNION. Why? Because, Israel didn't care even if the devils rule
Ethiopia, as long as
      they weren't Moslems and Arabs. Remember that Israel aids Ethiopia
      advance its own Israeli national interest.
Q3. And where do we stand now after 1991, that is after the Woyanes took
over Ethiopia and
      Eritrea became independent?
A3. With respect to Ethiopia, it doesn't matter to the Zionists. After
all, the Woyanes can't
      be worse than the DERG people -- and they aren't Moslems and Arabs.
But, there is a
      technical problem: Ethiopia doesn't control any part of the Red Sea
Coast any more.
      Therefore, the long term AGENDA OF THE ZIONISTS ALONG WITH THE THE
Q4. But how do the Zionists and the USA people wish to achieve that
Ethiopia gain the
      Red Sea coast again?
A4. At least five ways:
      (a) Isolate the government of Eritrea by demonizing the leadership
             by orchestrating a condemnation of religion rights, press
rights etc.
      (b) Bankrupt the Eritrean economy by keeping the country on a war
      (c) Bankroll Ethiopia with international aids in order to weather
the challenge.
      (d) Weaken the nationalism of the Eritrean people by exacerbating
             and by introducing American-bred religions that preach against
serving in
             the army.
      (e) Demoralize the Eritrean army by encouraging and abetting the
soldiers or
             potential recruits to defect to Ethiopia and be whisked to the
United States.
Q5. But will the policy of the Zionists and the US neo-conservatives work
in the Horn
       of Africa?
A5. These are people that took the mighty United Sates of America to war
       with LIES by saying that the Iraqi people would receive them with
flowers. Well,
       we saw what happened: the architect of the Iraq war, arch
neo-conservative Paul
       Wolfowitz himself was greeted with a rocket propelled missile in
Baghdad. So
       much for arrogance, so much for the insensitivity about the needs
and wishes of
Q6. But, is this new to Eritrea?
A6. No. Not at all. When John Foster Dulles, the US State Secretary at the
      in relation to the Federation of 1952, was asked "what about the
Eritrean people?"
      (meaning, would they agree with it?), he responded: "WHAT ABOUT THEM?
      In other words, he didn't care about the interests of the Eritrean
people. These
      people are there for THEIR INTERESTS ONLY. They don't really care
about the
      Ethiopian people either. And, for sure, they don't care about the
Eritrean people.

As the slogan of EPLF said, "KALSINA ZITENAWHE IYU". INDEED!!

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