Date: Fri Dec 25 2009 - 09:00:31 EST
Asthe Japanese saying goes on “The more the rain hits the ground, the harder itwould be.” It implies our nationalslogan i.e. endurance (SnAt ) witnessingour glorious liberation after three decades of war, the longest in modernhistory of the world. But those who are blinded by national interest in thealtar of materialistic greed failed to explore the Eritrean psyche which isbeyond their comprehension. We could tell this from the perspective of UNsanction against Eritrea whose chief architects are the United State Policymakers and their closest allies including the weaker nations which are not veryfamiliar with culture, history, politics and ethnic composition of the Horn. Priorto this unrealistic resolution, those who are in charge of foreign affairsmainly the US diplomats were bullifying Eritrea in response to its rightful stance to decline anydiplomatic approach that does not serve justice or its national security. Toour dismay, still the US has not learned from its past mistakes in imposing theill-fated federal union of Eritrea with Ethiopia. It seems as if the history is repeating itself indisguise!
TheUnited Nations forum which is a dancing floor of the only Super Power in theworld has now lost its credibility, and its competency to maintain peace. Yes,it can impose restriction in selling any military hard ware to Eritrea, but it cannot control the Eritrean fighting spirit(militancy) hardened by protracted peoples ' war. As the Eritrean saying goes “ferah shih betru” meaning a timid person carries a thousand sticks.What is more Eritreans both alone and with many are ambassadors and mouthpiecesof their beloved country. Thus travel restriction on government officials asimposed by the UN Security Council is unrealistic, and for the most part,impractical. As to freezing foreign assets it is fabricated to instillsuspicion and mistrust among Eritrean populace. Here again, the UN failed tounderstand us regardless of our differences as a family of nations which isantitheses to the concept of melting pot in modern Babylon of the far West.
Allin all, according to our legend “The Son of Leopard,” the arrogant and powerfulhas no place in our society as long as the people believe that power is intheir hands. It is no wonder how our belief in “self-reliance” is shaped bysuch concept that we are not aware as people who are denied justice andfairness in this decolonization era.