Date: Fri Dec 25 2009 - 14:55:03 EST
Why all this rush!
Why are the authors of the Sanction scared of Eritrea's bright future?
Does this have any thing to do with the Bisha Gold Mining Project?
I believe so.
The are scared to death of Eritrea's bright future especially with the
prospect of its mining of which the Bisha project comes first.
When I read, on Dehai-news today, "Bisha's 27 million tonnes of ore is
believed to contain 1 million ounces of
gold, 700 million to 800 million pounds of copper and 1 billion pounds of
zinc...", what came to my mind was to translate these figures to their
current market value. With my limited knowledge of how much Eritrea may
benefits out of it, here what I came up of the Bisha project.
A bright future with a net market value of over 1.8 billion of dollars,
which is equivalent to 26.8 billion Nakfa.
Judge for yourself why the so called authors of this sanction are scared
of Eritrea.
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