From: Sophia Tesfamariam (
Date: Tue Dec 29 2009 - 10:38:19 EST
US and Ethiopian Initiative: another injustice against the people of Eritrea
Sophia Tesfamariam
29 December 2009
Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, former US Ambassador to the UN warned long ago, "the UN is a dangerous place"…As victims of that system, Eritreans know and are reminded of it again today. On 23 December 2009, the Security Council adopted the “Peace and Security in Africa” Resolution 1907. This Resolution has absolutely nothing to do with promoting or advancing peace and security in Africa and has everything to do with coercion, deception, and extortion. It is a move by Susan E. Rice and the US State Department to use the Security Council as a bully pulpit advance the interests of the United States. It is something Susan Rice has stated she is willing to, and going to do as the US Ambassador to the United Nations.
Those of us who have followed the many IGAD, AU communiqués and the childish theatrics of the leaders of the minority regime in Ethiopia at the United Nations since the UN brokered Djibouti talks that installed yet another externally established illegitimate Transitional National Government of Somalia (TNG) with Sheikh Sharif Ahmed at the helm, are not surprised to see this illegal, unjust and unfair UN SC Resolution against Eritrea. The unprecedented number of contacts, over 800, made by Ethiopia’s million dollar lobbyists working on behalf of the minority regime in Ethiopia with US lawmakers, including US representatives in the United Nations, with journalists that have been approached to “write articles on Eritrea”, and the incredible amount of funds expanded to get what it wants, illustrates the prevalence of corruption, not just in Wall Street and the halls of US Government, but also at Turtle Bay.
But it is not just only the minority regime in Ethiopia that has employed lobbyists to do its bidding in Washington and the UN, according to an article written by Samuel Olara, a human rights activist
“…Since they were booted out of the White House, Frazer has taken up a position as a “strategic advisor” to Rosa Whitaker of the Whitaker Group, contracted to look after Yoweri Museveni’s interests in Washington. According to reliable sources, the Ministry of Finance recently signed a contract for “International Presidential Advisory Services in the political, social and economic fields” with the group for Shs 2 billion, about one million dollars… Ms Frazer’s future prospects are rosy. After all, murder and mayhem are good for business. So, too, is a lack of conscience…”
More on the work of lobbyists in Washington and Turtle Bay next time…
The illegal, unjust and unfair Resolution against the people of Eritrea has been aptly described as a "Christmas tree", not because it came on Christmas Eve, but because so much is hanging on it. In addition to the peace, security and stability of the Horn of Africa region, the credibility, integrity and neutrality of the Security Council, its ability to secure international peace and security, as well as its ability to enforce international law, the UN Charter and its own resolutions and decisions are just some of the issues that this resolution raises. Despite its lengthy and righteous wording, it reeks of shame, deceit and treachery. Resolution 1907(2009) has inflamed Eritreans around the world and they have rightfully condemned this action for what it is, a travesty of justice.
Acting like thieves in the night, U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice, supported by a handful of shameful mercenary African regimes, which are enriching themselves on the blood and suffering of the Somali people, are responsible for this unholy act committed against the people of Eritrea. It was done at the very last hour of the last working day before Christmas of 2009, an assurance that Eritrea and the other peace-loving, law abiding Africans could do nothing to prevent it. It should be recalled that the invasion and occupation of Somalia also took place on 24 December 2006, Christmas Eve. It seems, today, despite the campaign promises of change, under the Obama Administration, just as in the Bush Administration, the Security Council’s mandates under the UN Charter will be once again, replaced by “vagaries of extortion, insolence, immaturity and lawlessness”.
Was it in the spirit of “Christmas”, “Kwanzaa” or “Hanukkah” that the good US Ambassador sent her ill wishes to the people of Eritrea? It would have been less ugly if the good Ambassador, in her quest to punish Eritrea, had “run naked through the West wing of the White House to raise attention and get action”, instead of weaving a deceitful web to include innocent peoples in her vindictive and transparent agendas. Insulting the intelligence of Africans and especially the people of Eritrea, in a futile and childish attempt to blame Africans for the crime committed against the people of Eritrea on 23 December 2009, Susan Rice said:
“…This was an African initiative. It was the consequence of a decision taken by the African Union… We do not see this as the door closing on Eritrea, but on the contrary, we view this as another opportunity for Eritrea to play a more responsible and constructive role in the region. We did not come to this decision with any joy – or with anything other than a desire to support the stability of peace in the region…”
Why was Rice compelled to make that statement? Did every single member of the Security Council that voted that day explain why and how they came about their decisions? As far as I know, they didn’t. Why is that? It is really quite simple. There is a saying in Tigrinya that goes something like this: seraqui mobae, baelu yilefalef…which literally translates to “the one who steals from the offertory tells on himself”…Rice was in fact, showing and telling who the driver on this train of injustice really was.
Rice should stop blaming Africans for this treachery. Africans may be economically poor, but they are not intellectually challenged. Rice knows, and the people of Eritrea know, who the architects behind this illegal, unjust and unfair resolution are. This was made in Washington and baked in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia crime and no amount of sugar coated words will persuade the people of the region and especially the people of Eritrea, who know her well and whose blood trails speak volume, otherwise. On 24 December 2009, in a press release it issued in connection with the sanctions against Eritrea, the 28-member Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD) condemned the Security Council’s Resolution against Eritrea. If 28 countries in Africa rejected the resolution, on whose behalf was the African Union speaking? Something sure smells fishy here, and there are many questions that are begging for answers.
There is an African proverb that reminds me of the good Ambassador and her African partners who are behind this latest illegal act against the people of Eritrea. I believe it is a Nigerian (Ewe) proverb and it says:
“…it is because of shame that the harlot does not use the main street of a village…”
It’s because of shame that they chose to pursue a crooked path. While Tigrayans (Meles Zenawi’s ethnic group) are known for their crookedness (libi Tigray TiwiTiway), it seems this disease is threatening to afflict others. With the African Union and IGAD, the two regional organizations under US tutelage in tow, the twisted road to Turtle Bay began, and along the way, mercenary regimes with blood on their hands, were pushed on the bandwagon and used as pawns at the various kangaroo courts set up by Ethiopia and its handlers, to indict Eritrea. So where did the blood trail begin…where else, it began in Addis Ababa, the sin city and the corruption capital of Africa, the African Union headquarters and home to several UN organizations.
Once again, the Security Council displayed its predisposition to use the discretion afforded by Article 39 of the United Nations Charter (to determine what constitutes a “threat” to peace) in a manner that would only serve the interests of one of its permanent members (in this case the United States). The shameful votes preceded by little debate are an example of the Security Council at its worst, and Susan Rice and her lieutenants should be ashamed of their actions. Eritrea’s principled position on the Somali issue, as well as Eritrea’s desire to handle the Djibouti issue in a manner that will not escalate the problem were summarily dismissed by the US and Ethiopia and misrepresented at the Security Council. After all, Eritrea has every right to question the “good will” and actions “taken in good faith”, by the US and Ethiopia, as they have proved to be deceptive and meaningless in the not so distant past.
How is it that an exaggerated Eritrea –Djibouti issue is found to be a “threat to international peace”, whilst occupation of sovereign Eritrean territories in violation of international law, the UN Charter and the Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission’s final and binding delimitation and demarcation decisions of 13 April 2002 and 30 November 2007 are purposefully ignored?
Why did the Security Council not consider the broad day light US-backed invasion and occupation of Somalia on 24 December 2006 a threat to “international peace and security” and take action against the perpetrators, the United States and Ethiopia?
Why did the Security Council not take actions against Ethiopia and others who have violated the arms embargo on Somalia from day one and who are responsible for the international crimes that are being committed against the people of Somali to this day?
If members of the Security Council had the evidence against the State of Eritrea and were confident that they had the support of all the African countries, why not wait a couple of weeks for the African Union meeting and allow the Africans to speak for themselves?
According to Article 27, paragraph 3, of the UN Charter, decisions of the Security Council on non-procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of seven members “including the concurring votes of the permanent members.” It also states that in decisions under Chapter VI (Pacific settlement of disputes), and under paragraph 3 of Article 52 (pacific settlement of local disputes through regional arrangements or by regional agencies-in this case the African Union and IGAD), a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting.
How is it that Uganda and the United States who are directly or indirectly parties to the issues pertaining to Somalia and Djibouti were allowed to vote on the Resolution? Is that not a violation of Article 27.3 of the UN Charter?
While it is agreed that when a permanent member is a party to a dispute its compulsory abstention should not be considered as a veto in substantive decisions of the Security Council, since China is not a party to the dispute, should China’s voluntary abstention have the same effect as a veto? Why not?
The Security Council through Resolution 1907(2009):
“…calls upon all Members States to report to the Security Council within
120 days of the adoption of this resolution on steps they have taken to implement
the measures…Requests the Secretary-General to report within 180 days on Eritrea’s compliance with the provisions of this resolution…”
On what basis can the Secretary General report to the Council on the steps taken by Eritrea when most of its provisions are ultra vires or at variance with international law and infringe on the sovereign prerogatives of the State of Eritrea? In addition, the Security Council's decision to sanction Eritrea is a violation of Article 25 of the Charter which states:
“…The Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter…”
Members of the Security Council should not be allowed to willfully obstruct the work of the Council and powerful countries on the Council should not coerce countries into submitting either to its decisions taken in bad faith or to its demands negating the fundamental purposes and principles of the UN Charter, as Resolution 1907(2009) does.
As I said before, the sanctions against Eritrea have nothing to do with preserving the peace and stability in the Horn of Africa region and are instead meant to appease the minority regime in Ethiopia and the parties that are benefiting from the chaos and destruction in Somalia. We should not be surprised if the Security Council, at the behest of the United States decides to reward Ethiopia and its partners in crime for its invasion and occupation of Somalia by retroactively blessing it. In addition to sanctions against Eritrea, this is what Ethiopia and its partners asked the Security Council to do:
“…the UN Security Council to review the UNSC Resolution 1725 (2006) (para 4 of 6th December 2006) to enable the frontline states to meaningfully support the
TFG as requested by the Somalia TFIs…”
Somalis ought to brace themselves for more deaths and destruction... Ethiopia and others will be given the green light to invade and occupy Somalia again…this time, to prop up the illegitimate TNG led by Sheikh Sharif Ahmed.
Allow me to end this with an excerpt from a Journal article “Empowering the peoples in their United Nations”, by Erskine Childers; The Ecumenical Review, Vol. 47, 1995, as I find it quite fitting in these circumstances:
“…An utter travesty of democratic decision-making is the bribing or brutal intimidation of impoverished member-countries into surrendering their voting rights. Again and again in recent years the powers have informed third-world governments that if they do not vote "correctly" in the Security Council, they will lose aid or debt relief or a sound IMF credit-rating or even emergency IMF credit to pay last month's oil bill. "Realists" call this "hard-ball diplomacy"; its actual name is extortion, and it is a criminal offence in democracies… Our children will thank us if we care enough for what is already their United Nations to rescue it from cynicism and elitist manipulation…They will never forgive us if, failing to strengthen their United Nations, we leave them the most unthinkable bequest of all - - a world we would not wish to live in ourselves…”
Eritrean Sanctions Must be Repealed and Annulled Today (E-SMART)!