From: michael seium (
Date: Thu Dec 31 2009 - 03:57:03 EST
Eritrea E-SMART Campaign/Kemy d'yu Negera/You Tube
This YouTube video clip exposes another illegal crime against the people of
Eritrea that took place again on December 23rd, 2009 at the United Nations.
67 years after one of the biggest crimes in the world was committed under
John Foster Dulles history has repeated again. However, Eritreans don't give
up easily so they have started a campaign to prove the U.S backed, Ethiopian
and AU supported ILLEGAL SANCTION against the hard working, self reliant
people of Eritrea. Susan Rice has made the biggest mistake of her life to
appease a genocidal regime in Addis. E-SMART stands for Eritrea SANCTIONS
To all you peace loving people of the world why don't you join in the people
of Eritrea in standing up against Justice. Eritrea is a PEACEFUL nation that
will stand up for peace in the region and not like the current invading
criminal regime of Ethiopia.
Sign the petitions and see the You Tube link,
Or you can type in Eritrea E-SMART CAMPAIGN/Kemy d'yu Negera. The song Kemey
d'yu Negera is very fitting for this campaign by an up and coming artist
known as Aklilu Mebrehatu.
Keep hope Alive and stand up for Moma Eritrea.
Zelalemawi Zikri Swtana,
Mike Seium