Date: Thu Dec 31 2009 - 10:34:49 EST
On Alexander Pushkin
Werealize that the erection of Pushkin monument right at the center of Asmara could cause a discomfort among former colonialmasters and neo-colonialists. From the outset, their hired or mercenaryintellectuals were warning Eritreans not to establish a radical State lest theybe denied the Western aids and potential investments. That was at the end ofthe Cold War era. Hence, the present day sinister and secret campaign outsidethe UN corridors against Eritrea could be a case in point.
Theerection of Pushkin’s effigy right at the heart of the city is not motivatedalone by his ancestral origin, but also by his achievement in belle-letters whichis an exemplary model for the growing number of Eritrean scribers.
TheEritreans were denied higher education by former colonial masters whose classicalwriters such as Dante (the poet) , Cicero (the sophist), and Principe (the Prince associated with Machiavelli’s work) dominated the names ofcolonial school, cinema, and soccer field located on Asmara-Keren road. Ourforefathers could turn out to be a good writers and poets by reading the worksof these canonized Roman scribers had they received a good schooling during thelong years of Italian rule. They were condemned to be semi-literate by limitingtheir opportunity to functional education alone. That is fourth grade aimed atteaching them how to read and add numbers. Such mass ignorance had to do withthe fate of Eritrea after the end of the World War II. With this in mind,I suggest our young people not to take for granted the educational opportunityavailable in our newly liberated country.