The only erroneous part of this letter is the length of time they have been reporting lies about Eritrea . It is not 12 years but 61 years. The lies began with the forced federation with Ethiopia, the long war, to the referendum , and of course since the 1998 occupation. I had a friend of the family who is American and works for the UN email me on Monday with grave concern. I told him his bosses know the truth and he said it is "so hard to know what's going on". I told him it is not hard for us we know our country and my family is predominately in Asmara. There were no tanks, no occasion and there sure as hell weren't any arrests of our fully sported Shabia government. We are expected to disprove negatives, this is a fool's errand.These idiots are like the followers of some new age power thinking model, if they keep wishing for this to happen it will one day happen. I am glad I am Eritrean, we are more practical, as in make what you wish for happen.
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Received on Wed Jan 23 2013 - 19:59:28 EST