Voice of Eritrea's 15th Anniversary and Fundraising Night!
When: Satruday February 16, 2013
Where: ECCC 600 L Street Washington D.C.
Time: 7p.m. to 2a.m.
Dinner Will be Served
Donation $20
To hear an archive of the last three weeks broadcast, visit
This week's (2/9/2013) Voice of Eritrea Program includes:
Interview with Mr. Woldu Ghebreab Board Chairman of VOE-DC and Mr.
Amaniel Beyene Secretary of VOE-DC
Article: "History cannot be rectified"
Weekly News from Asmara, Eritrea
Important announcements, music and more…
ኣርእስቲ መደባትና፡
ቃለ መጠይቅ ምስ ኣቶ ወልዱ ገብርኣብ ኣቦ ወንበር ቦርድ ረድዮ ድምጺ ኤርትራ ዲሲ ኸምኡውን ምስ ዋና ጸሓፊ ኣማኒኤል በየነ
ጽሑፍ ታሪሕ አይረምን እዩ
ሰሙናዊ ዜና ካብ ከተማ ኣስመራ ብጋዜጠኛ ገረመስቀል ገረዝጊሄር
ኣገደስቲ ምልክታታትን ሙዚቃን ...
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Voice Of Eritrea (VOE) is a community radio that serves the interests
of the Eritrean community in Washington DC and its surrounding area.
Voice of Eritrea is solely owned by the community and as such the
participation and support of the community is paramount to the success
of the radio programming. If you would like to help with any aspects
of the radio programming, please feel free to contact us
Received on Wed Feb 13 2013 - 15:34:52 EST