In the past I have argued and written a couple of pieces how NPR is no different than CNN, FOX news, CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC, AP (Associated Press), Reuters, New York Times, Washington Times, Al Jazeera (the latest hijacked news media).....etc, who are just a mouth piece of imperialist agenda neocolonial agenda. NPR beats the war drum day and night whether it is Iraq, Afgahnistan, Libya... and now Syria. They beat the dead horse with their war mongering propaganda
in "Morning Edition" news program in the morning and "All Things considered" in the afternoon. They fooled people by mixing other subtle and emotionally stimulating programs. The mission and plan of yesterday's broadcasting of Eritrea on NPR is very clear as day light. NPR indirectly receives funding from the federal governmnet. Thus their reporting should not be a suprise, "The one who pays the piper calls the tune". Actually what added insult to injury is by having as an expert someone from
the International Crisis Group on the show (the name says it all, the whole purpose of ICG is to create crisis around the world). It indeed is an insult to Eritreans. At any rate this is insignificant issue to Eritreans rather it makes us more aware and sharp. We have seen many pseudo Journalists like Gregory Warner come and go. The guy is new in the East African business and is being molded. By the way expect more of this to come in the coming days since our independence day is approaching. Regardless Eritrea will keep marching.
Happy Independence Day.
Received on Fri May 03 2013 - 22:59:38 EDT