[dehai-news] Seattle Shows Why Eritrean Festivals are the Best of the Rest!

From: Berhane Alazar <erigram_at_comcast.net_at_dehai.org>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 22:42:58 -0400

Well, well, well! The preparation for the Eritrean Festival in Seattle
is way underway. As the saying goes the "I"s have been dotted, and the
"T"s crossed! The warm-up exercises have been started and going strong
by the day. Remember August 9 is less than a forth night; and will be
upon us before we know it:


Eritrean National Holidays Coordinating Committee - Seattle Branch

Berhane Alazar
Received on Mon Jul 29 2013 - 23:07:13 EDT

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